It it slow or what?

I am off to my best start in December ever.

I also remember Nick saying that this was an open forum to all inspectors whether they were NACHI not members or not. If that is so then why have certain posts been removed

When it gets hot and miserable out again :frowning:

Because some a s s has been assigned Forum Nazi and is doing stuff like that and moving things wherever they see fit. They won’t fess up who they are either. Scaredy cat :slight_smile: Like we could do anything anyhow he or she has the blessing of the Godfather :frowning:

Best November since the real estate crash, averaged 1a day for the month, furthermore I was booked thru two weeks in advance. Phones have slowed down and next Thursday & Friday are open.

A 203K today, inspection and 203K tomorrow. Home inspection Friday.

I get almost no calls for inspections and average 3 a month (not marketing either) the work write ups have been steady.

I have been asked by 2 lenders if I would start doing their home inspoections and I have a meeting first Tuesday in January in front of a room full of loan officers to discuss inspections, write ups and Homestyle loan (FHA) inspections.

Looks good on the Horizon.

Was slow last week.
But always busy when I start planning other stuff just to make sure I never get sleep.

Get out of our forum Bob!
No Yankees allowed…
Just jokin’ with uh Brother.

Mr. Lesieur
What exactly is 203K inspection and what credentials does one need to do them?
In addition, what is the pay out?

Slower here also. A few random insurance inspections. One home inspection.

I even took on a State Farm Four Point just see how long it would take:shock:

Everyone is at the beach lol looking for bikinis

Might have my best month yet

Doing well so far this month

Roy, do you guys get the influx of snowbirds up there? Here it is absolutely ridiculous, everyone complains about the snowbirds, traffic jams, lines at restaurants, but it is a huge part of the economy. I was very busy until Thanksgiving, the phone has been ringing some since then, but mostly el cheapo price shoppers.

203K has a few items

There is the minimal health and safety inspection, just what’s wrong that affects the occupants health and safety. Minimum $200, max $400 (around here). 30 minute walk through, take pictures, add cost to cure/ repair.

203K write up is a non invasive inspection, health and safety, best guess on mechanical s minimum $400, maximum $1000. Did one today 30 minutes, got my pictures, will do a 90K estimate on desired remodeling. Got paid $900, about 5 hours work, can be 8 or 9 hours work on an estimate with more items.

Homestyle is almost the same as a 203K work wise, same fee $400 to $1000

Draw inspections I charge $200 to $350 if I drive more than 60 miles one way.

Best days is I may get a residential inspection for $400, do a write up for $800 or more and be done in 6 hours. Doesn’t happen often but it does happen.

To be a 203K inspector you need to be an engineer/ home inspector/ contractor or architect.

I was doing 203K for about 41/2 years and did a home inspection at the request of a lender, figured why not as I had been looking at some home inspector franchise reports and thought I could do better so why not get that fee also. I found out quickly home inspection is not as easy as it looks. I always have a book open or am watching a how to inspect video.

And of course the gentle help I get from guys like you:mrgreen:

No ! Not in Alachua county .Marion where Ocala is has some.

Is the cost to cure/ repair a requirement?
What dept at HUD do you contact to start this?

Still busy here.

I’m glad for you…Yep!

InterNACHI has a helpful link to 203k consulting Roy, here it is if you have not already seen it.

I’ve done the “HUD REAC Training” (Real Estate Assessment Center’s) in the past but , is that the same?