Originally Posted By: dedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Well John,
Ive looked at this thing a couple of times, gone away and come back. A couple of things don’t strike me as right. One, this looks like a slab on grade house. And if it is, what the hell is the clean-out doing up so high on the wall. Second, the pvc tap into the clean out makes it virtually useless as a clean out because no one is ever going to get the end cap off now without cutting off the tap in question. So, I am wondering if this is part of the DVW system at all? Is is possible that this is a secondary condensate drain for the AC system or some other system and is jerry rigged? I’ve seen some pretty “creative” ways people have rigged up a secondary. The final thing is that if it is a part of the DVW then raw sewage is got to be leaching into the ground at the base of the pvc tap and that just ain’t right.
Originally Posted By: mboyett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Were the joints glued? I can’t tell from the picture. If not then maybe the installer intended to take it apart if the cleanout were ever needed. Was there a spa or hot tub? Could it have been a small filter backwash drain? Doesn’t look big enough does it? Could someone, in their infinite wisdom, plumbed the T&P to the cleanout?
Originally Posted By: jonofrey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
psabados wrote:
Draining to where? John put your ninja suit on tonight and do a plumbing raid. Man, that just doesn't make any sense at all
Draining to where is right. That pvc pipe heads under ground. The joint into the drilled out plug is not glued. Whatever this is, someone went to a lot of trouble to make it. The master bath is behind the wall. It did have a hydro-tub.
I'm not sure what this is or the reason for it but no way it's a condensate drain.
Originally Posted By: dedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I hope it isn’t a condensate drain. Everytime the AC comes on it could draw sewer gases into the ductwork. I even thought of possibly there is electrical wiring inside the thing and they just used the wrong materials to route it.
Originally Posted By: jonofrey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I wrote it up like this:
There is a PVC pipe tapped into the exterior drain cleanout plug on the left side of the structure. This does not appear to be standard construction practice and the purpose or intent of this arrangement is not known. I recommend that you consult with your builder to determine the use and reasoning for this arrangement and to provide a permanent compliant correction.