Happy Birthday, Russell!
Nice website: http://www.cdainspectors.com/
Happy Birthday, Russell!
Nice website: http://www.cdainspectors.com/
Happy Birthday RS!!
Happy Birthday, Russell!
Russell started it all!
Yes, he was here from the beginning and very helpful!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Russell!
Hi, Nick & Crew!
Thanks so much for your thoughts! Wow, 16 years . . . actually, it’s been that long on the forum, but the year before is when I joined but was too timid to peep up for nearly a year! All the “old-timers” were there, that had already been on board for (gasp) a couple of years. I finally started coming out of my shell and was the “desert rat” from Colorado, blowing the whistle back to Nick & HQ in Pennsy, when A$H! was trying to literally take Colo over - trying to make the state require HIs to be their members only.
As most of you know, I moved up to Idaho about the same time Uncle Nick moved the greatest HI org in the world to Colo.
I enjoyed years of actively participating in the NACHI booths at conventions and was thrilled to be chosen as a NACHI Ambassador to startup Chapters around the country, and even to Puerto Rico. By then, Nick had been spreading himself thinner than a rock star on a concert tour, and I was happy to help take up the slack.
More recently, Jeanne has been doing inspections while I’ve been handling mold tests, as well as Portable Solar Power, conducting NRA classes and related networking here in the Great American Redoubt (see below).
I’ve been blessed by having NACHI in my life and, quite literally, would not be where I am had it not been for Nick’s encouragement and the support of so many of you guys (and gals).
Holler when you’re coming this way (Coeur d’Alene, Spokane, Sandpoint) for a visit!
Thanks & Blessings, all!
Russell S. Spriggs, KI7BIV / WQYA480, C.E.R.T.
No Texts; 208.660.8877; Fax 855.420.6345
^ Grid-Free Power, Any Location! www.BrightLightsSolar.com
^ “Silent Range” NRA Pistol Training: www.PistolProf.com
^ Emergency Comms Network: www.HooDooCh3.com
^ Preparedness Training: http://www.inwPrep.com
^ Mold Testing: www.MountainMoldTesting.com
Excellent , great to hear!
Nice to see you, Russell, still round and about. Hope all is well.
Marcel, same back to you!
Mark - “Very nice!”
Greetings, Russel R, wherever you are!
Happy Birthday, Russell!