Kamala Harris proposing to drastically increase the demand for home inspections

That’s 400,000 homebuyers.

I might have to vote for her.


Kamala Harris proposing to drastically increase the demand for home inspections

@gromicko Do you really believe anything that bold face liar says?


Not to mention anything from ABC CBS NBC CNN ect??

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It will lead to another housing crash.


Aren’t you always talking about how much money this government keeps printing?

All she is doing is buying votes, just like Biden promising the student loan forgiveness before both voting terms.

Who is paying this $40 billion dollars?? They expect taxpayers to pay for the ill decisions of everyone else.


Well, that’s higher taxes for you and me…direct payment or via inflation for the fiat $ or whatever…we’re paying. It is NOT FREE MONEY!!!

And, on top of that, what is $25,000.000 to buy a house?

Is it the normal 20% down on a $125,000.00 house? Who sells houses for that?


She is offering to provide the $25K to people who can not afford to buy now. What would make anyone believe if these buyers have to have financial support just to buy that they would have the money to have the home inspected? We already see this now with people stretching just to buy and forgoing inspections and other important costs.


More BS from the Socialist crowd. All that will happen is that the demand for a limited supply will rise and drive prices up. (Economics 101) Just because you have someone else’s 25K (taxpayers) doesn’t mean you can get financing. So the socialists will tinker with the mortgage banking rules and we’ll be right back to where we were with the housing crash. Stupid people never learn.


So this is the Kamal’s nose under the tent.

It’ll start out at 25k, then turn into something much bigger and worse. Pretty soon it’ll be a full subsidy with a cash payout.

It becomes a subsidy for luxury brands because just like Covid, poor folks get a little extra and they buy BMWs and Louis Vuitton bags. Pretty soon every one of those houses will have a HELOC and a year or two later be a short sale to Blackrock. Blackrock will then rent the now destroyed home back to them on a government subsidy.


Required to have made on-time rent payments for 2 years. That’s a good start to throwing up some guardrails to make sure the money flows to people who can actually afford to own a home.

Maybe they will add some more, such as online training about home ownership and managing money, requirement of steady income, and having limited or no credit card debt.

Also, these home purchases should require inspection, to make sure first time homebuyers aren’t getting a money pit with our tax dollars.

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It absolutely should be a mandatory requirement. This is where lobbyists come in handy - @gromicko

And you can bet your bottom dollar that all the nay sayers will be singing a different tune and will gladly take that tax money to inspect those houses too.

I know I will be. :grinning:


Unfortunately, a certain Lobbyist (if getting involved) will push for the requirement to include only Internachi Inspectors, so nothing will ever come of it!

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That may be the case, but that doesn’t mean that will be the end result. Regardless, having someone arguing the benefits of required home inspections in front of lawmakers, could only help our cause, which in this case would be helping to make sure the American Taxpayer is not getting fleeced.

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She ain’t gonna use your Home Inspectors!


This would not be needed if we kicked Black Rock out of the residential markets. Inventory would go up, and prices would decrease.

I am not a big fan of government intervention in open markets, but we can have principles and laws to protect a fundamental system.

Finally, we have learned that buyers who have little skin in the game (i.e. downpayment) can be a risky investment. Requiring lenders to assume these risks can put us all at jeopardy. Rewind to 2009.


I agree. See “HUD”. :wink:


I think you mean 2008, that’s when the actual crash happened. :wink:
Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

But it did take a few years to get to that point, that in large part was due to de-regulation, among a few other factors.
DEREGULATION AND THE 2008 FINANCIAL CRISIS IN AMERICA | PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences (grdspublishing.org)


Robert, your assertion that Democrats are Socialists is wrong. The USA :us: is and has always been a benevolent socialist federation, under the administration of both donkeys and elephants.

Academics claim that “socialism” is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Socialism advocates for a gradual shifting of power from the elite to the working class and is focused on the collective good.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were the fathers of thought of the socialism/communism. If both will come back from the dead and travel the world, they will be amused to realize that the USA :us: has done it. The closest practical approach to socialism implementation has taken place here in the contiguous 48 states plus Hawaii and Alaska.

So yes! I am certainly not the ELITE here. The economy of the US Federation (80% of it!) has moved for centuries on small & medium businesses, Mons & Paps shops, Main Street Small USA towns here and there, a bunch of Home Inspection Businesses like yours and mine, and I will benefit from any other social program that promotes new and preowned home sales to the middle class…


I agree. That does not make it a good thing. Who is responsible for this onward transition can be mostly attributed to academia and leftist power. The most leftist state of the union is arguably CA and all of us are seeking wisdom in their leadership when there is none.

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