The left was ready to eliminate the police and remove guns simultaneously. People to this day consider that a brilliant idea. Well, at least the ones in affluent neighborhoods do. They are the ones who are never put on hold while placing a 911 call.
I’m not sure where I saw or read it. But the fine print on Kamalas’ $25,000 credit for first time home buyers had stipulations.
One was that your parents or spouses could not be home owners.
"The Biden-Harris administration proposed providing $25,000 in downpayment assistance for 400,000 first-generation home buyers – or homebuyers whose parents don’t own a home
TL;DR Republicans crying over being called fascists? MAGA defenders denying Trump’s rally was like a Nazi rally? Nah, that’s all nonsense. Trump’s rally was a dumpster fire of racism, lies, and authoritarianism. The speakers spewed hateful garbage, and Trump himself ranted about enemies and revenge. This rally will only push more voters to reject his fascist agenda. The writing’s on the wall - Trump’s political career is done.