"Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We're not taking anybody's guns away."

  • Kamala Harris, 9/11/2024.

Just sayin’.

Until she does…
Every single thing that woman says she flip flops on.


I was eating my dinner during the debate, and when she said that, I almost spit out my dog. :wink:


In was in response to Trump’s accusation that “she has a plan to confiscate everybody’s gun”, which obviously is a lie.

Certainly Nick’s thread title was tongue in cheek because as you’ve noted Richard it was taken out of context. A simple fact is that given the two people running for president the election of Harris would greatly increase the chances of some guns being banned when compared to Trump.

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You’re probably the most successful Haitian immigrant ever!


She’s not taking anyone’s guns away, she’s in favor of fracking, she wants to give tax credits to business owners… libs must be losing their minds.


He’s proposing a national sales tax. Who crazy now?

I keep saying, he was a NY city liberal for years.

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I’d actually be OK with more taxes if we could opt for the money to not go to bureaucrats, but rather simply destroyed. Every dollar we siphon out of the productive economy and given to bureaucrats harms us all. Better to just destroy the revenue which would be deflationary.

Once again, does anyone actually believe ANYTHING that Border Czar Child Trafficker Commie Komrad Kambala says? If you do I have some nice mountain ski resort property I’ll sell you cheap here in south Florida. Pretty much anything she/they say, you can count on the exact opposite being true.

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And millions would be out of jobs, which is inflationary.

Considering that she doesn’t have the power to repeal the second amendment, I don’t see how that would be possible.

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How would millions be out of jobs is we were allowed to destroy our tax payments rather than give them to bureaucrats? Explain who would lose their jobs? It would increase the number of jobs, not decrease them.

Right or wrong, like it or not, the bureaucrats that you keep referencing are government employees who contribute to the economy by spending their income in a free market.

No they don’t!!! They spend OUR money, not theirs. They are a COST to our economy. All of government is a cost. That capital could be used to grow businesses instead of government. Taking good money, giving it to someone and hoping they spend some of it isn’t growing the economy any more than breaking perfectly good windows, then saying "look, I created jobs, someone has to make the window, someone has to replace it, someone has to clean up!’ How dumb.

And they don’t give the productive economy back what we give them. They keep some and then demand products and services for our money they spend. That is a total net loss.

It gets worse though. Every government employee we hire is now no longer producing products and services inside the productive economy. That harms the economy even more.

It gets even worse though. Many of those bureaucrats do jobs that hamper production. They do tax audits and crap like that.

It gets even worse though. As government employees, they compete with us for products and services making our costs go up. Every rubber stamp they buy reduces the supply of rubber stamps for us.

They are bad for the economy X 10.

We need to fire half of them. That would allow us to keep more money inside the productive economy, it would keep them from slowing us down, it would keep them from competing with us for products and services, and it would force them to enter the work force and either help push the cart by getting a job, or starting a business.


We have created an ever increasing government and with it more and more government jobs. Those government workers want to keep their jobs. Not only that, they want us to believe it is down right unAmerican to want to cut government spending.

How about a 10% cut straight across the government spending board AND a straight across the board 10% income tax and no deductions, for a start?

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Fire as many as you want. I’m just saying, it will have an immediate, inflationary impact on our economy.

No it’s not… depends on what kind of gun you have


How would that increase inflation?