This is Kevin O’Malley from the Home Owners Network wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and upcoming holiday cheer!
Myself, Mike Casey, Pat Norton and Scott Forde started this program because we believe it brings great value to home owners and home inspectors. We are currently in our third year and have many loyal supporters.
It has come to my attention that a competitor of ours is once again spreading false information about HON and what we do with client information.
First let me say that no changes have been or will be made to any existing inspector’s HON accounts unless specifically requested by the inspector. All existing inspector users remain free and unchanged. No calls have been made or will be made to any clients. All changes to an inspector’s accounts must be authorized by the inspector.
New inspector HON accounts are subject to approval and fees will be discussed with new inspector users. Discounts and complimentary accounts are available to users of our current approved vendors like Home Inspector Pro, Inspection Support Network, HomeGauge, ect.
**Any other rumors or information you may have heard, read or gossiped is not true. Everything on the internet is not true. **
Please feel free to call and discuss any part of our newest program enhancements. Email me at KOMalley@homeownersnetwork.com
The enhancements mentioned below are FREE to current users. We have several pilot programs we are starting with inspectors that we believe will bring income to inspectors from the HON program. Those will be announced when they are ready.
HON is proud to announce Recall Alerts are now available to all inspectors currently using our program. Please send your request directly to me.
**Recall Alerts: is a HON system. It is an optional feature NOT automatically installed on inspector accounts. **
**We have our own recall program built into the new HON member accounts (available only as an option to inspectors) Our program is very different from the others. Where others are an inspector driven system, ours is a member driven system, meaning the member enters any appliances and gets instant results of any current recalls. Plus those entered appliances are perpetually monitored for future recalls and the member is notified of any new recall alerts. **
**The number and types of appliances allowed to be monitored is much larger and we believe the accuracy is equal to other systems. **
Two other key differences are 1) Inspectors do not spend the extra time entering appliances on site or taking photos and sending. 2) Real estate deals are not held up because a client thinks the recalled appliance should be replaced before they move in. Numerous agents told us they hate when a buyer requests a recalled appliance be replaced before they own the home. These could be viewed as advantages or disadvantages depending upon who you speak with. This is an option the inspector decides and we understand many inspectors utilize a competing product and can leave the recall portion off. It is only turned on at the inspector’s request. It would be FREE in an inspectors account if requested.
**Contractor Search: There are three different contractor search systems included in the HON program: 1) Redbeacon by Home Depot (all independent verified contractors) 2) Contractor Connection (the largest contractor network in the nation doing 7 out of 10 repair jobs for insurance companies) 3) The inspector’s recommendations (YES, you enter your own preferred contractors for your clients to have instant access to their information) **
We built our service on providing “Live technical support for home owners”. We do not work for anyone but our members. We look for the best possible services for our members. We do not spam our members, we do not sell our members information and we have never called our members with a sales pitch for alarms or anything else.
I am happy to demonstrate a member account for you showing you all the items discussed above. This brochure shows you everything that can be available to your client including the OPTIONAL recall alert system: www.simplebooklet.com/honmembers (the only thing missing in this brochure is the inspector’s contractor referral section)
Call me anytime to talk about anything.
Kevin O’Malley
Director of Membership
Home Owners Network