Originally Posted By: tdonan This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Had a call for an inspection and the buyer wants a lead paint test I figure that the swabs are the best way to go but I have no idea what to charge. Also what is the best on site water testing kit and what is the going price for that
Originally Posted By: jhagarty This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
For lead testing I only recommend XRF testing. It is also what the EPA recommends. Swipes will only indicate the presence of lead in the upper layer of paint that is visible and not what may be covered under multiple layers of paint.
Originally Posted By: dbowers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Tim -
In most every state I know an inspector has to be licensed to test for Lead Paint. From your post, I'd guess you're not. If so you may want to find out if Indiana has a licensing law for LBP Testing & Inspections.
If you were in my area and one of us licensed LBP guys found out an unlicensed guy was taking bread out of our mouths by doing these, we'd lead the charge to file charges against you.