top of foundation wall caved in, so they slopped about 3’ of blocks on top of poured wall, slapped a little tar on and then they poured a long and wide concrete patio along 80% of back of house, right against wall… did that shtt stop water from entering? Would installing an interior drainage system have stopped water from entering? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope.
here pull on this…
42’ long by 7 1/2 ’ deep, one day biiiitaches, one day hand dig
all day every day, quite a few with the help of realtors, sorry, truth hurts sometimes. Hope you are well Mr. Larry! Got another video popping up on U tuberrr soon, an INT system was installed, mold etc etc and realtor asked ME to go over there and write something up to the effect the walls are fine etc, NOPE! Why don’t they call the fraudulent company who installed the INT system for another lie! lol