Maine NACHI Chapter to hold Mold Cert, November 30th

Originally Posted By: rsmith6
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

The next educational meeting of the Maine State Chapter of the National

Association of Certified Home Inspectors, (NACHI), will be Wednesday,

November 30th, 2005 at 8am
in Portland, ME. This is an eight-hour

certification course provided by Doug Caprio of PRO-LAB. This

educational opportunity is open to all, there is a $50 charge which

covers a continental breakfast and lunch.

The training is provided by Doug Caprio of PRO-LAB.

Bob Smith, Maine State NACHI Chapter President,will be speaking on the
future of the Maine State Chapter of NACHI.

This meeting will take place at:

Portland Regency Hotel 20 Milk Street
Portland, ME 04101
(800) 727-3436
207-221-5912 Cathline Maneri