Message Board Registration

Originally Posted By: ismetaniuk
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This membership was a big waste of my time!


Top To Bottom Inspections

Glen Spey, NY

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I second that.

But I understand. There are times I wish I hadn't said something on this message board. You gotta take your hits like a man. But there are times I wish I was an anonymous John Q Inspector too. Wonder what the Q stands for? Don't answer that Igor! ![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif)


Originally Posted By: ismetaniuk
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This membership was a big waste of my time!


Top To Bottom Inspections

Glen Spey, NY

Originally Posted By: jremas
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Igor, relax, I was testing the “waters” or checking out our system. I signed up as John Q Public but cannot post because I gave an invalid email address (remember we both posted that we prefer that people identify themselves). This is good, unless you provide a valid email address that you can access, you cannot post. It is not a guarantee to identify someone, but it does deter folks from logging on. So unless we require folks to enter information from a credit card, we will never know who is really making the posts. I can start a hotmail email address and sign on as George W Bush if I want to. I think the only alternative would be to separate the message board into parts that are available to members only and assigned by Chris or Nick upon reciept of membership. We can still have a public area for anyone to join in. There are still subjects I would rather keep between members and not share with the general public. I know Nick wants to keep the message board open to everyone, but I still think we need our own area to discuss sensitive subjects amongst ourselves. I do think an area for the public to join in and ask questions is a great PR idea and will help to make NACHI stand out. This is my 2 cents.

Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos


Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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Hi to Jeff, Igor and others,

I was just thinking about your public comments topics, may be Chris can open a new forum may be in user groups so we can be our normal opinionated, arrogant ignorant selves in private icon_lol.gif Especially on issues that make us look less than professional at times. May be even have a sub topic of “spleen venting” where our more volatile members can let of steam !!



Sorry only joking


Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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Hi Igor, I know you’re right but it would curb some of our little exesses from reaching the easily offended.

Heck it may even make the world a quieter place !! icon_confused.gif


Originally Posted By: Chris Morrell
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I’ll work on identifying posters by their membership status… and we’ll see what happens from there.

Chris Morrell

Director of Information Technology


Originally Posted By: lfranklin
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Ever heard the expression Be careful of what you ask for. You might just get it.

I see where most would think this is a good ideal. But think in long term

How will this help? Now think how much will this hurt?

Originally Posted By: ismetaniuk
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This membership was a big waste of my time!


Top To Bottom Inspections

Glen Spey, NY

Originally Posted By: lfranklin
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They are many reasons and why. Just a few

Why do you pose such questions?

Same as stated above.

Private someone is hiding something. Do you want to be known as chest thumper #2. If you are afraid you are going to offend or make someone mad. Then you should not say it public or private. Because it probably not true and if your afraid you don’t have the proof to back you up.

Is it because you make inquiries as to membership but never commit to join?
Yes, that is correct. I would love to join but membership has nothing to offer Me. I will keep inquiring someday it may benefit me to join. But now I see no benifets to joining
Do you have something to hide or are ashamed of?
I don't understand the question, But if it's why I don't join the answer would be Yes I am ashamed of NACHI. They are trying to hard to be like someone else.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Thanks for being so forthright.

Help me.

What don't you like about NACHI? What would you like to see changed? What benefit would you like to see NACHI offer?

I'm like a magic lamp...rub me and make 3 wishes.

Heartbroken Nick

PS Remember though, NACHI is run by volunteers and is membeship-driven, so you may be asked to help provide what you seek. (Ask not what your association can do for you but what you can do for your association).

Originally Posted By: lfranklin
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Heartbroken Nick, I did not say I didn’t like NACHI. I said ( I would love to join but membership has nothing to offer Me)

Mostly what needs to change is the marketing location . Where to market Go world wide with it. Put NACHI on the map.

The benefit would come if the one above happens

Thats my 3 wishes

Originally Posted By: ismetaniuk
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This membership was a big waste of my time!


Top To Bottom Inspections

Glen Spey, NY

Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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I have to agree with Igor, I’m sorry Larry but I think you fall into the “ouside the tent peeing in category”, but I have looked over your previous posts and you are obviously an experienced HI, Even if you percieve of no value in being a member of this organization, please at least do us all the courtesy of changing your profile details so we at least know who we are chatting with. Just for the record I am happy that non members can post in this forum we all learn much from it.


Originally Posted By: jmyers
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Some of us jump right in and work to make it and others of us just stand by and watch others do the hard work. Sounds like you are the kind of person that stands by and watches.

Now to get to my real point. Why would you be ashamed of NACHI you are not even a member. Do you think that the other organizations have more to offer? Do you think they are legitimate and we are not? It would be nice to hear the explanation for that one.

Maybe the other organizations are more recognized but they are also much more controversial. We do not hide behind anyone or anything. We do not "punish" members for speaking their mind even about us, it will only make us look harder at ourselves so we can improve ourselves.

Since I do the new member orientation for NACHI I can personally testify that many inspectors that are only NACHI members are successfully gaining work as home inspectors. While the other organizations are claiming to help inspectors the price for that help is always costly to you, the member. NACHI has always helped its members with low and no cost solutions for their business.

If you want to make NACHI a national name Larry, start a TN chapter. I am sure Nick would send you some money to get our name out there.

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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All you guys on this thread:

You've made me re-consider the benefits of anonymous posts. Is a truth any less because the author is unknown? Are we filtering out forthright comments like Larry's by making him sign them? I don't know. I just wouldn't want to miss-out on hearing a brilliant idea that could help our membership, just because it was conceived by someone shy. Any thoughts on this?


Originally Posted By: lfranklin
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I will try to answer all question.

Igor, Its Franklin

Your option is noted, thanks for the input.

A; No

Come on all help will be appericated.Bring the flag I have never seen it.

Sorry, I was only trying to help letting you know what I thought the hold up was. I guess I was wrong. Seems like you have the answer.

Gerry, You are right on the peeping in( I hope that was what you meant ) I just like to test the water before I jump in. I know I don't always do this, looks like I'm in the sink or swim situation now
No, not experience, still learning everyday. Plan to till I die.
I will change my profile soon as I get done. Sorry for not doing so sooner, Just didn't think about it.

Joe,1st paragraph,Your option noted.
Just ashamed of all HI orgs. and No 2ed ?- No
3ed paragraph well said. That the way it should be.
It's not if I want or if you want I just think it should be if NACHI wants.

Sorry if I offended anyone. But now maybe you can see how a non member see. Maybe you can build on it.

Originally Posted By: lfranklin
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Only thought you wanted a different view

Originally Posted By: gbell
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Hello Larry and Everyone else here,

After reading the last post I had to go back and read the whole thread. There are a lot of useful ideas here. The things Larry is asking about have a purpose. It would have just been nice if he had presented his ideas in a more positive manner. But Larry I did get your message.

We are moving NACHI towards the national level. But this will take time and a lot of dedicated members working to achieve that goal. When you look at how old the other guy is and where they are at, I wonder where NACHI will be when we are the same age. I bet we will be like some of the young guns of NASCAR raising the bar to a new level and setting new records.

As far as NACHI trying to be like the other guy, I totally disagree. I think that NACHI is what the other guy used to be like. But as that group grew things changed, each person has to decide for themselves if that is good or bad.

You are right we need a plan that all of us can work from. We need marketing materials that we can all benefit from. We need NACHI bumper stickers for our car or truck.

But look at what we have. A web site that is one of the best I have seen. A message board that all can read and voice there own opinion, a library of educational materials that any member can use for just the cost of sending it to the next in line, a free exam that you can take in your own home, A search engine so that any consumer who comes to our site can find a member.

When you consider all things, we are doing dam good. The future looks even brighter than the present.

But we are the type of people who will wish you well no matter what path you chose.

Thanks for enabling me to look at your thoughts in a different manner

Greg Bell
Bell Inspection Service

Originally Posted By: lfranklin
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Hi Igor, (I can’t say your last name) But it was fun and a pleasure meeting you and different views will follow later.

Hello all
I'm almost afraid to ask this but going back to the public, private or John Q Inspector and anonymous thing, How would this help or hurt?

I see good and bad in both. If I may ask another. Which way would be the best?

Hey Greg just came from your part of the country. Had a ball.
I just can't find the best choice of words.