Missing Ridge Beam?

Recently moved into a newly constructed townhome in North Carolina. I noticed this and was confused if this was an unfinished job or just no longer necessary. It seems like someone began placing a beam in the gaps and then stopped after the first few. Looking to find what steps to make next.

Correct orientation of your photo


Those are trusses, ridge beam not needed. The boards you mentioned are just spacers, and I would guess they are the last few not first.


I would bet that you have ridge vents and the gap between sheathing was intentional to vent the attic (in addition to trusses generally do not have ridge beams). In that case, adding boards to cover up the venting is working against the design of the attic. You might ask yourself why someone was adding boards there? Was (is) there a leak in that area?



Those 2x4 spacers are actually placed before the roof covering is put on. They are just temporary framing to keep the trusses on 2ft centers until the sheathing (typically 4ftx8ft sheets of OSB or Plywood) can be installed. After the roof covering is installed there is no need to remove the spacers but they are not needed either.


Possibly meant to complete the fire barrier in the event the ridge vent extended too near the party wall (is that the party wall pictured?) Regardless, it has no structural bearing in my opinion. It may limit some attic ventilation, but that would require a calculation to be determined.