Mobile home bent outrigger frames

Looks like a tire came off in transport when first installed or moved 10 years later. Unit is 23 yo and original installation contractor is still in biz. Have a call in to them to discuss in the morning. A bit grainy but you can see the first outrigger damaged and each one after gets more damaged until the last 2 are hanging on by sheer will

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Not sure what your questions is? :thinking:


Me either, but I will go with the answer “you need a structural engineer” for $100.


It’s hard to tell from the pics, but it looks like they are trying to hold up the exterior wall with CMUs out at the skirting line. :thinking:

No question really. Just a post for comments. It’s the underside of a single wide trailer which has undergone a traumatic experience. Damage is older than 10 years and the structure has no signs of any deflection or movement. Just thought it was interesting. Possible I posted in the wrong spot but :man_shrugging:.


See my response to Tom. Just a post for comments. No real question needed. Contacted the original installation company to note whether they caused the damage when first installed and if they collected insurance for the damage.

No CMU’s along the skirt. That is the attached garage built adjacent to the unit.

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Don’t get your panties in wad David. Not sure what your OP pertained to and the question (?) asked… I’ve done many Mobile inspections and asked a question about your post.

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Other than the signs of deflection and movement from apparent impact damage. Do you know how much it has twisted or deflected since original impact? :slight_smile:

But I do find this interesting. The bend looks exactly the same down the row. Was the damage very consistent from one to the next. Makes me wonder if it is damage or original design. I don’t know, obviously I was not there.



Still trying to see “damage” in the OP’s post. I can see that metal joist may have been cut or altered to fit in plumbing, but I may be missing the “damage” aspect.

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No panties in a wad at all. Trying to accurately clarify the post. You are reading the wadding into it all by yourself. One of the silly things about this forum is the way people read and interpret the feelings of others without knowledge.
I posted a simple image that has damage and asked no question. Just a post with limited information that I found interesting from an inspection your response was and is welcomed and I clarified. Now knowing this what do you think about the damage?
Extended from 1/4 of the trailer unit to the end. Each successive outrigger ( used the manufacturer’s terminology for this so I didn’t look like a fool)has a greater amount of damage. damage is only on one side of the unit. Damage shape ( think of the top of a tire) and location make me think they lost a tire on the way to deliver the unit. Thoughts?

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I will mark it up for you so it’s obvious

Damage is consistent from this point back as to the shape of the original impact (think of the top of a tire) but each outrigger is more and more bent at their main beam connection and folded towards the rear of the unit. Trying to come up with a good analogy to use. It will come to me and I will post it again


My apologies David. Poor reading comprehension and intake of your post on my part. I’ll try to do better next time.


If it caused that much damage to the frame, there should be significant damage to the floor and walls. Those things are made out of gingerbread.


Ain’t nothing a little glue and more gingerbread can’t fix. :slight_smile:



Not a problem.
Here is a marked up pic to get a better sense.


Gingy Repair, LLC can have it looking like new in no time.


You would think so but nothing of note was visible anywhere inside or outside. Which I find very interesting. The fact that it happened between 10 and 23 years ago is ven more remarkable imo.

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What does any of this have to do with a Home Inspector?
Is this your personal home?
Report what you observed and move on.

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