Mold/ air sampling

Good afternoon, I’m in the market to get into air sampling for 2025. figured I should take black Friday prices and get on it now.

any recommendations, or experience with these unites?
Zefon Z/ Air O Cell

Had another inspector tell me to go with: Sporecyte

any other’s I should look at?

I started out using the Zefon Z Lite kit. It is a good unit and works fine. However, I quickly tired of dragging an extension cord around, plus the hose and hose stand are a pain.

I upgraded to the Breeze set up a while ago. Much simpler, no cords, self calibrating, and has a built-in timer. I still keep my Zefon as a back up just in case.


Be sure to notify your insurer you will be preforming mold inspections and advise them of your certification and SoP.


@bgromicko1 any insight on some air sample machines.

Make sure you have any required state licenses.

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Ryan, do you use Pro Lab out of FL since you use Breeze? just wondering. Thanks.

No, I use Hayes.

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any way to send me a sample report? (

I’m torn between Breeze pump, and Sporecyte. granted I’m sure 1 pump has better quality, and consistent air flow. and you can kind of use any lab you want I guess.


I’m not crazy about the Sporecyte battery pack deal. Just one more thing to keep track of and lug around.

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got it, thanks Ryan!

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