Mold & Pest

Originally Posted By: pcanter
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I am new to the HI business and want to add mold and pest inspection to my service. I was wondering how and where could I get training and cerrtified. And how involved are these inspections? Also, should I do it asap or add them gradually? And what about lead testing. Is that something that can be added to list of services? Thanks for your input!

Phil Canter

Originally Posted By: jrivera
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Don’t know much about regs. down there, but Hi anyway, welcome and good luck !!! icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif

Originally Posted By: kbowles
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I have just finished writing a mold inspectors course for National Environmental Trainers, an online training/certification company. It hasn't gone live yet but I think it will in the next month. Once you complete the course and the final exam, you will receive a certification of passing the course. I am now working on a remediation course. The inspectors course is 4 hours. Do a search for "National Environmental Trainers" and check the site out, he is first class with all his courses.

Kevin B

Life's a journey, not a destination.

Originally Posted By: swalch
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Have you checked out ITA, they have a mold course. They will cerify you and you will be ready to do some air sampling.

Good Luck icon_biggrin.gif