More flagging nonsense

I had a post flagged and removed with a video showing how the US military KNEW the sub imploded almost immediately, but yet they allowed the media to drag it on for the rest of the week.
It is a known fact that this was the case.

WHO are these butthurt millenials on the internachi staff that have to flag everything that might offend them? OR just dont want to know the truth? This wasnt even an offensive post! They would have thousands of other posts if they really wanted to find the ones that are ‘offensive’

@gromicko , how long will you allow this nonsense? Your staff if obviously becoming very woke. And this forum is following down the same path as every other social media platform. Stop allowing them to hide something just because they dont want to accept the truth.
I will wait and see how long it takes for this one to also get flagged.


You’re inviting the usual round of nonsense admin replies stating “we don’t censor…” blah, blah, blah…

Maybe we need more “Happy Birthday” posts, that’s always been a head scratching nonsense waste of bulletin board resources.


Yep. I could have just added to all the other posts on this topic already, but I figured, “why not start another one”?
Maybe if we all started a post every time it happened, they would catch on…
maybe?…(prob not)

It’s offensive to me that they called my post offensive!!


I hear you pal… loud & clear. :grin:

unless someone flags your post for being offensive, it has nothing to do with mine

I’ll ask staff now, if they had anything to do with it.


Dont they ALL get removed by staff? All we can do is flag, its up to the staff to decide what to do with it


I doubt it. The system is likely automated to remove flagged posts. My question is how many flags does it take. If only one, then changing that setting to 3 or 4 would probably solve the problem.


It was a psyop similar to the drop of the Trump tape today to distract from two more whistle blowers coming out against 0biden regime.

No, the system auto removes anything that is getting a lot of flags quickly. It’s a safety mechanism to prevent porn and stuff.


Hmm I guess the message needs updated… Flagged post removed by AI?? :thinking:


Of course they did! Who else besides YOU has the authority and ability to remove anything?

You beat me to it. I was just going to show that too.


This Tucker quote and excellent graphic got removed as “spam”



Porn, like B-17 nose art.


That’s not what the administrative messages about a flagged post says. If what you say is true then there is another layer of lies and deceit.

“This post was flagged by the community and a staff member opted to remove it.”

I’ve been talkin about this for most of the year. No one seems to care until it happens to them. I can tell you from experience if you don’t have a tight grip on the reins the horse runs back to the stable. These supposed IT wizards don’t know how / or don’t want to adjust Discourse settings to automate the forum.

The posts that have been flagged recently are ridiculously non-offensive. But they get flagged anyway. Nick needs to crack the whip, course this is Colorado!


If that is true, why does the accompanying auto message LIE about it?

“Flagged post removed by staff.”


Definitely won’t be able to post anything on pages 244 (edit) 224 - 399 of the Hunter 0biden Laptop Report if B-17 nose art is banned. It’s amazing there are still people out there that don’t know this exists.

Report on the Biden Laptop

I shot out a message to staff. None of them said they removed it. I think it is being auto deleted by the system after a member flags it, but I don’t know. Asking IT to figure out who or what deleted it.

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