Concrete… how much did this grading game COST? I bet it cost nearly as much as what we bid to waterproof this area, duh. Haven’t done job yet 'cuz this city requires permit. There will be exterior cracks/cracked parging, who wants to bet? Come on, don’t chicken out on your grading-theory, let’s do it! Put your money where your yapper is. I need to earn some paper, very little work, amazing my stinky azz phone doesn’t ring but Everdry’s etc does, a fkg disgrace to common sense.
Inside finished basement AFTER running the hose about 10 minutes, she just bought this place, seller LIED, sure they did, bet on that too baby.
outside doing the stupid water test, for free… boooooring after all these years but it is still the BEST thing to do for homeowner…remember kiddies i could have been like the other contractors and NOT done this, and just tell this lady stories n lies and write up an estimate pffft, totally unappreciated, fk n a right.
where the new concrete was poured is exactly where homeowner leaks inside basement where bottom of foundation wall meets the stupid floor.
Did the new grading aka pouring concrete solve the leaky basement? Hell no. Why didn’t the concrete contractor say anything about the possibility of a need for waterproofing this area? Yeah shtt brains, we know why $$$$$$$$$ self gain