Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
No. There is currently no way of knowing if the same agent is getting more than one. There is currently no tracking either. Both of these system upgrades will be added though.
NACHI will continue sending out a steady stream of mousepads to the real estate community in order received with 2 exceptions:
----Relocation offices get top priority because it helps ALL members much more. Relocation companies order more inspections.
----Very small requests of a few agents or less get second priority.
The main purpose of having members submit names and addresses is so that we can add a letter with the mouse pad crediting a local NACHI member for arranging the gift. This adds extra bang for the buck for very little cost. Once the mouse pad is on the desk of a real estate agent and in use... it helps all NACHI members in that area. The rate at which we ship them is not effected by the rate we receive requests. We will continue to steadily infiltrate the real estate industry's desk tops with them forever.
Originally Posted By: jcampbell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Dean’s Idea sounds like a winner… Can we get a shipment sent to us, might save NACHI on postage. We can deliver in person. sounds like a great way to get in the office and offer a great marketing tool. Especially when one agent sees you giving another agent the pad… everyone will want one…
Originally Posted By: slanicek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
what is the prefered method of receiving the names and addresses of agents? xcel? word? other? been very busy these last few days gathering over 200 so far and i’d hate to have to input all of these into a different program.
Originally Posted By: rsummers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Steve just copy them to an E-mail and send it to Nick. I wish when I made my own list of Realtors and there E-mail addresses I would have included there street addresses so I didn’t have to type them again. I could have just copied and pasted them at once.
Originally Posted By: slanicek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ok, thats fine. i just thought that whoever will be prcoessing these names and addresses would want them in some certain form (word, or excel, etc…) so that they won’t have to re-key them into whatever system they have. if someone is having to type in names and addresses over and over again…boy, i’d hate that job!
thanks for the info! if Nick or Chris gripe at me i can tell them you told me to do it this way! 
Originally Posted By: slanicek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ok, i just sent in a list of 227 agents in my immediate area. does anyone send me back a confirmation of that, est. time of production/arrival, anything like that ? just curious when they might be delivered, how long it takes to get thru the pipeline of orders.
Originally Posted By: rsummers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Every time I sent in a list Nick has let me know that he received it. I think that the answer to your question about when they are sent is back a bit on this thread. I will know when they start sending them the because I asked some Realtors to let me know when they get them.
Originally Posted By: gsutterfield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I requested 227 in Sept. 03 . Some were sent but much less than half . Still do not have all the mousepads delivered .Unfortunately the ones that were shipped were to the realtors farthest away from me . I truly believe this is a great marketing tool but,suggest you should not rely on them being shipped soon
Originally Posted By: slanicek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
WOW that’s slow! any idea what’s going on with this? has anyone else seen such slow shipping turnaround or is it just you for some reason? anything that we can do to expidite things?
Originally Posted By: rhinck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Don’t misunderstand me, but I think that asking for 227 mousepads is a bit much. How about asking for pads for the realtors you are currently working for? I ask for approx. 12 mousepads back in Sept. as well and now I know why I haven’t received mine. Let’s not take advantage of a FREE thing!
Originally Posted By: cmccann This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
My opinion is this got to big to fast. Nick and the gang were not prepared for this amount of orders. I did a show and had realtors sign up for the free mouse pads last September and to this date I don’t believe anyone has received one. Looks bad on me. Just a thought but do what the guy did at the top of the page.
Originally Posted By: slanicek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
i wrote Nick asking how many was too many to order and i never heard back from him. so i was like, ok, he’s not writing me back on purpose, ie ‘hew newbie, go read the message boards’.
so i did, and i came across a note from him stating that relocation specialists get top priority, smaller orders get secondary. ergo, i thought the more agents a sent in, the faster my order will be filled.
taking advantage of a free thing? well, yeah! Nick said the whole purpose of this was to get EVERY agent out there one of these things. so i ran with it.
Originally Posted By: gsutterfield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Rick Hinck
I don't feel I was taking advantage of anything ! I contacted Nick by phone in Sept. of 2003 , asked how many names I should submit and he stated he wanted every agent to receive a free mousepad ! Told me to submit all the agents I could . At the time I was the 400+member, according to the members list, and still have not seen these shipped to the agents I submitted !!!!!!
Based on the info I received from Nick, Sept.03 ,I asked the agents to let me know when they got them so I could monitor the results . Makes me look trustworthy when I try to sell myself to the agents and then they ask when they are going to receive the free mousepad 
Wish now I would not have mentioned them ! Takes a lot more PR work on my part to overcome this unfortunate situation
Originally Posted By: gsutterfield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The last comment you made on this stated you had orders for 20,000. If I understand correctly, you are only shipping 70 per day , or maybe none at all ! What's up?
Why does NACHI offer free mouse pads to realtors but not inform the members that it may take forever to receive them ? Yes , I ordered 200+ in Sept. 03 as suggested by you , and later learned small orders were shipped first . So a couple months ago I ordered 9 and these have not been shipped .
Should we not change the NACHI promo to read " WHEN THEY COME AVAILABLE , or WHEN WE HAVE TIME , or WHEN WE CAN AFFORD TO DO IT .
In all reality , how long should a member expect to wait before their request is filled ?
"The NACHI mousepad is free upon request to any licensed real estate agent. From time to time NACHI asks members to submit lists of agents to assist us with this. NACHI will eventually put a mousepad on every real estate agent's desk."
The purpose of including a note explaining that a NACHI member arranged for the gift is to add extra bang for the buck. The inclusion of the letter adds little to our costs.
PS. Currently broker/owners and especially RELO companies (which refer inspection work across the country) are getting the mousepads first.