Originally Posted By: dkeough This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
IN Re: The NACHI mousepad is free upon request to any licensed real estate agent. From time to time NACHI asks members to submit lists of agents to assist us with this.
When did the wording of this paragraph change. When I joined at the end of November it read "The NACHI mousepad is free upon request to any licensed real estate agent. NACHI members can email Nick a list of agents & addresses and we will ship them direct along with a note telling them you arranged it all."
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
When we got 30,000 names and addresses submitted.
The things we do (like the mousepad promotion) to drive traffic to www.FindAnInspector.US are working. That one site generated 4200 leads last month. That spread out over our membership is only a lead/member/month on average though. So we'll keep working on it until it generates 42,000 leads a month, and then 420,000 leads a month.
Originally Posted By: gsutterfield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
What was the original intent when NACHI stated members could send in request ? Was this a COME-ON to get membership increased ? What about the e-mail to agents ? Was this also a COME-ON , as it was not updated since July,03 .
NACHI,YOU, have made a statement of record concerning mouse pads,e-mails,and many other promises that fall short of members expectations .
I understand NACHI has many other projects which are more important than this but,If YOU fail to follow through on previous commitments ,what can the end result be ?
As stated , or implied on numerous other threads , you control the purse strings. If your not going to send mouse pads as the "Benefits TO Members " implies then I suggest YOU stop misleading potential members   
Originally Posted By: gsutterfield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
David Keough
The wording has been changed to benefit only one individual   
It's kinda like the weather in Missouri. If you don't like it today,stick around,It will surely be different tomorrow
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nothing has changed. Members can’t get free mousepads from NACHI and never have been able to. We’re just not going to do it and never have. Nothing has changed.
We do not give mousepads to members, only to REALTORs. I don't see this policy changing ever. The mousepads are not a membership entitlement, only the effect of the mousepad promotion is. This is true for all NACHI's marketing tools and goes without saying.
With only a handful of exceptions some time ago, NACHI has never sent mousepads to members and will never.
The mousepad promotion has a very specific purpose which it fulfills efficiently. That purpose is not, and will never be, a free gift. No REALTOR will refer you as an inspector because you gave them a free gift.
PS. NACHI pays for 1/2 of most individual promotions which is why so many NACHI members have their own mousepads (but this is not a new or changed policy either).
Originally Posted By: dkeough This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I don't believe anyone is saying send them to members. We are just responding to the original statement on member benefits when we signed up, which said send an email with a list of names and NACHI will send the realtors mousepads. That's all nothing else. However it seems that over 30,000 names have been submitted and that would cost lots of money.
I understand that, maybe NACHI should have limited the amount each member could send in. By changing that paragraph now, it seems that the members who thought when they joined would have mousepads sent to realtors are wrong. I believe that changing a benefit(paragraph) after the fact hurts the members that thought this was going to be in effect.
Again I can understand with the amount that have been received that this would change, however it would have been nice to know ahead of time.
I've just been told that we are over 45,000 but the RELO's continue to get priority because they help us all over the country and schedule way more inspections than the average REALTOR.
I also added (just now) the word "promotion" behind "mouse pad" in http://www.nachi.org/benefits.htm Check it out and see if it look better to you. I just don't want to get into a situation where we are saying "the effect of mouse pads not the actual mouse pads" or "the use of the message board, not an actual message board" etc.
We'll continue on a steady pace with the shipping of the mouse pads and I have a new promotion for www.FindAnInspector.US coming soon.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I just want to say that you are doing a wonderful job promoting your members. You're continuously coming up with such fantastic marketing ideas for NACHI and it, in turn, positively affects every member of our team. Thank you for your generosity.

What other HI organization promotes its members equally or better than NACHI?
Hang in there, big guy. Your Realtors will be receiving those mouse pads before you know it.
Originally Posted By: gsutterfield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Be advised,I do not and have not advocated sending mouse pads to the members.Nor have I felt the mouse pad promotion to be a membership entitlement .However, I do feel them to be an effective promotional tool for NACHI and the inspectors they represent.
Please enlighten me as to your NEW theory concerning sending them to the RELO companies first . Simple mathematics show there to be many many many more agents then RELO companies .Yes,RELO companies do cover a broader area but which is more beneficial ? Sending the mouse pad to 1 RELO company or putting NACHI and the inspectors in front of thousands of real estate agents ?
How many members solicit RELO companies as opposed to soliciting the agents in their respective locations ?
Do you want to get NACHI recognized ? If so then send a mouse pad and any other promotional material to every agent as previously designed . Not only does NACHI receive recognition but , the member for which they represent as well .
Originally Posted By: dkeough This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Jim, why do you keep coming on this board to start shi%. Go away, Go back to your own org. and leave. You are a piece of shi%. Nick has already explained this. You keep trying to bring NACHI down. Go away.
If you missed the sentence, You are a piece of shi%.
Originally Posted By: cmccann This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Interesting story, but I think this was already covered on another thread. Is there anyway we can look into your closet jimmy? By the way isn’t s#!t spelled like this s#!t?
Originally Posted By: slanicek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
easy guys. this can be handled very quietly and very quickly, trust me.
one of you guys get me Jims (and anyone else who has been truly annoying lately) IP address and i'd be happy to have plenty of fun with them. and so will plenty of friends of mine.
we....ummm, how should i put this......well let's just say that we have a hobby (a harmless one, at least when we're not too provoked  ) of circumventing alot of things, slipping thru loopholes, etc., etc..
Originally Posted By: gsutterfield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Come on guys,get real. We do not live in a perfect world and s#!t does happen . Yes, Nick does give the impression that he is attempting to promote all of it’s members . But,I for one have a concern about his ulterior motives.Nick is not the Supreme being many perceive him to be . Yet,as he has stated , he is the executive director and basically what he says goes .
Would Jim Morrison's post have been taken any differently if he was a member ? Probably so . Maybe Jim was sent here to stir up s#!t but,some of the info he provides or questions he ask might be of interest to the few who are still trying to decide if they want to be a follower of Nick Gromicko .
Many people followed Jim Jones and look at the results