MPox the new plandemic?

Looks like they are going to run with Monkey pox, umm I mean Mpox. (They tried monkey pox a few months ago and hardly anyone fell for it). But now they have all these “vaccines” for monkey… MPox that they need to get in peoples arms.

They will stop at nothing to win the white house again.


I used my last N95 in an attic today. Just stocked up.

Scared over here that made my pants brown
Where do you go or call to get the shot hurry up OMG



I think you’re safe Marc. Monkey… Mpox is reportedly spread primarily through gay anal sex.

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My leaders have not mentioned that.
I thought if I don’t get the shot I will then be prone to funky sex stuff!


Go Bobby!

Omg. A government conspiracy to do the right thing, by preparing for the unknown.

Hopefully you get it some day. SMH

Bird flu plandemic incoming SMH.
Media blitz teamed with new bill trying to usher in new lockdowns.

Part of what was in the bill that got shot down…

Complete BS…

Hmm Looks like HMPV is “showing up” 2 weeks before j0biden is out is the new Catastrophic Contagion.

Always playing with you Dave… :wink:

Hopefully it’s just another scare. We’ll find out soon.