Multiple "cleanouts" installed high on basement wall

Anyone have any idea what these would be for? There were 4 or 5 of them at random areas, all about the same height. TIA.

What could you see when you removed the cleanout?

Did you remove the caps? It could be underground gutter drains?

Not enough information.
Size and age of the residence please.
How many toilets?

For plumbing, cleanouts are installed to remove debris and clogged material.

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If so, wouldn’t/shouldn’t they be located below the frost line?

How many sq.ft?
Home many bathrooms?
How many roof vents?
Sump pit or catch water basin dry and wet pits.
Mechanical or natural gravity drainage?

I inspected a Large property for moisture intrusion. I declared it actually flooded.
It had 4 clean out just like your unit. It had been renovated through the years.
4 bathrooms.

How do you know they aren’t?

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My WAG - Maybe the people who built it are preppers and the plan was to install portable cisterns in the basement in the event of the public water service getting contaminated. Those pipes would be connected to the downspouts to divert the water from the roof into the cisterns.

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