Election(website of the month) day is only two days away and I need your vote!
We Infrared Inspectors must unite and stand together as one party, one Nation, under InterNachi.
Many people don’t respect our beliefs nor do they believe in our principles. They want to take Infrared out of our homes and schools inspections. If it was up to them than they would do away with Infrared altogether. We can’t let that happen! We have to join together and let these people know Infrared is the best way, the only way, and here to stay!
This message is endorsed by Power Check Infrared Inspections and I’m asking for your vote.
I am not a Muslim!
I always try and include the top Infrared Inspectors throughout the nation under the “Pricing” section(bottom of the page) of my website. If you don’t see your website listed than it’s not because I haven’t added it. I am having computer problems in which some things I see on my screen don’t appear on others screens:mrgreen:. Simply add your website and State in this thread and I will re-add your site to ensure my website stays updated with the best infrared inspectors in North America. Just another reason my website should be considered for your valued vote!