Originally Posted By: gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have received several emails from ASHI/NACHI members indicating that ASHI President Don Norman recently offered some kind public statements about NACHI. Don is a class act and has given ASHI members much to be proud of.
Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nick, when I was traveling with NACHI, I met Don Norman at several different Home Inspection Events and thought he was a very straight up, impressive business man. Pretty nice guy too.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Every report we are getting is the same. I invited him to meet me at upcoming http://www.nachi.org/slmechapter.htm in St. Louis but he will be out of town.
I'll work to get together with him as soon as practical.
I've been working with two other ASHI members for some time on a joint project (very informal) whereby we have come up with a list of improvements that need to be made to each other's association to better the industry as a whole. Don't get me wrong... I'm convinced that NACHI will be the sole inspection association soon and I'm furious over one of the items on their list... but it is nice to know there are fine fellas at ASHI who can look at things from both sides of the fence. I'm trying to as well.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
I have met many senior figures in ASHI over the last couple of years especially atthe ITA show in Vegas last year. They were all true gentlemen and I especially enjoyed chatting with Don about our profession and its future.
Originally Posted By: pbolliger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I had Don Norman as one of my instructors at ITA a while back. He is a upstanding guy with some very good approaches to the Home Inspection industry.
The home inspection industry has so much more to develop. Yet when one association can influence states legislators then I must question if they have ulterior motives besides the home inspection profession .
Originally Posted By: rwand This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Gee Nick its nice to hear the positive platitudes about ASHI. Maybe there is hope for OAHI-CAHPI? After all Oahi by-law states unequivocally…
(f) to seek and maintain affiliations with, and to co-operate with, other organizations having objects, in whole or in part, the same as or similar to the objects of the Association.
We can only hope.
Continued success.
Raymond Wand R.H.I.
Alton, ON
-- The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905