NACHI Inspection Planner Book.

Oh. It felt like you were chewing me out for some reason. :frowning:

no no no. not my place to chew anyone out.

My Friends,

Thanks for all the interest I really appreciate the support. Funny you mentioned Kinko’s that’s who did this first run but I hope if the interest increases to find a commercial printer to print in bulk and thus bring the price down. First I have to get some paid orders before I can afford to do that. But trust me I understand the tight budgets of home inspectors, it has been my and my family sole source of income for 21 years and I want to provide something that helps make our business easier at a affordable cost.

Wendy your copy will go out this week I hope you like it!:smiley:

Have a great night!

Thanks Michael! I’m doing quite a bit of publishing myself right now, so if I find some good prices I’ll pass them along to you okay? :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

That would be great Wendy, Thanks!

My Friends,

I have good news!!! Today I was able to secure a printer who will produce the Inspection Planner at a substantially lower rate so I am officially revising the price. The ebay price is $29.95 but for my NACHI friends on this message board that order direct by emailing me I will let them go at $21.95!!! Now this is a limited time offer so If you want one let me know ASAP.

What is your email address … Cookie

Oops…sorry :oops:


My Friends,

Thank you for the great response on the Inspection Planner. I have opened an ebay store with the planner to make purchasing easier.…eNameZl2QQtZkm

Again thanks for all the interest.


We are now offering a Loose-Leaf version of the Inspection Planner. It has a alphabetical index with business card pages to assist with network marketing. This version is a little more expensive due to the additions but will be more flexible in it’s use. If interested you can check it out at our ebay store: