Originally Posted By: Anonymous This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If someone recognizes the rightful owner of this email, would you please return it to him?:
I hear that your fellow blogger, J Kelley, is under some very heavy litigation. I tried to warn you guys a couple of months ago. More is coming.
Seen some changes made to the PHIC site, already, and nothing going on at the blog since you deleted my VP announcement. Are we seeing the beginning of the end of the failed attempt at an uprising?
Poor Burkeson didn't know that Bowman and Wiley had him pegged since last Spring. I always suspected it was Dave Bush. Oh, well. Burkeson is such a loser, anyway. I used to like him.
Oh, the jig is up on your contact from the Education Committee, too. You know who I mean. I guess you thought that stuff that came from him was pretty credible, but he was being fed bs to see where it would go for a while. They lowered him a notch so he could be watched more closely.
At least most of these guys are all in the same sunshine state where they are easy to watch.
I have to admit, you guys had some pretty deep sleeper cells for a while. NACHI still rules.
Originally Posted By: jburkeson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
On the surface it would seem that if this was written by Bushart there is enough evidence to prefer ethics charges and suggest dismissal from NACHI. What say you Jim is this your handiwork?
– Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)
?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Originally Posted By: rbennett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
As a NACHI member who is very concerned about about our professional image, I insist that this issues taken on off line.
Regardless of how this turns out, all of us will lose professional nachos if as an organization and as individuals if we continue to play some of these issues out as a public bar fight. We are family and family does not wash its dirty linen in public.
On one hand I side with Nick (as if anyone cares) that the best thing for an org is NOTHING is behind the curtain. On the other - items of this nature that will result in nothing other than "he said she said"
Off line is where to take it.
This is not a SR, working, active, full etc. member issue - this is a MEMBER issue.
Names do not get "miss spelled" and emails (which IMHO can be faked and are NOT private) are just bar room talk.
I am so upset that I did not want to even post to this threat because of the personal crap that I would take from other members on or off line.
In short I don't need any personal crap but -- I will take it on this one --
Take this off line -
And if some of you see this as crap in your mess kit so be it
Originally Posted By: Guest This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
He's not going to answer that publicly. I guess a little legal training 40 years ago has him thinking he's a dime store lawyer and he is predictably hiding behind the 5th Amendment. A real pair would do him more good.
Of course he wrote it. He has nearly come out and said it here.
This isn't a test of what kind of person Bushart is. We all have a pretty good sense of that by now. This is a test of what kind of organization NACHI is.
Where will NACHI draw the line on his outrageous behavior and what happens when he crosses it?
Can any member take a few shots at the MAB in an effort to impress bloggers on the other side of the country without consequences?
I think I know the answers, but hope for your sake, that I'm wrong.
Originally Posted By: rbennett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Jim and Kat
I can see that you can not read or do not care about the proper way to address issues of this nature
If you think that the issue of a person's membership should be terminated - then bring it on - If you want to play here, come on, the playground is all yours
Just bring your best or go home -- The only people that will continue this thread either can't read or do not care about the proper way of dispute resolution without hurting the many.
By the way -- many members do not even check these threads - They pay their $$ and work without lowering themselves to this level of crap
So lets get dirty -- bring on the crap and get ready to be made the A$$ of your selves on this thread
Originally Posted By: dharris This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Is this the same J Bushart that was recently appointed to the NACHI legislative committee and the same person that was being considered to be the next NACHI VP.???
Originally Posted By: Guest This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The very same, my friend, though I don’t think anyone considered him for the VP position very long.
It must also be pointed out that Burkeson, Beaumont, and Bowman -the targets of his character assassination- are they very folks who, if they ran NACHI, would quiet the blog with their hard work and high ethics in a matter of hours....
Originally Posted By: tallen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Jim Morrison wrote:
The very same, my friend, though I don't think anyone considered him for the VP position very long.
It must also be pointed out that Burkeson, Beaumont, and Bowman -the targets of his character assassination- are they very folks who, if they ran NACHI, would quiet the blog with their hard work and high ethics in a matter of hours....
Jim Morrison
Princeton, MA
You forgot Dave Bush, who has helped NACHI members in so many ways.
-- I have put the past behind me,
where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.
Originally Posted By: jburkeson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Just as an aside Mr. Bushart has been very vocal in emails to me demanding that I resign from the MAB and quit NACHI because of the horrible things he claims that I have said about him. Furthermore he has threatened all kinds of consequences if I fail to head his admonition.
Now it is amazing that at this juncture he has come down with a bad case of amnesia, especially after all of the school-girl drama he spent demanding the NACHI leadership come protect his good name.
Mr. Bushart don't keep us waiting... Answer the question. Is this email valid? Your public awaits! We need to know the cut of the jib our proposed brand new VP sports, it is only fair since you were to be appointed and not elected by the membership.
-- Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)
?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Originally Posted By: cmccann This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
As much as I would like to do this, are hands are tied unless the President or ED gives us the task. So send it to the ethics committee. Who’s on ethic’s committee again? I forget.