NACHI membership in N. America just topped 8,000!

Get ready for 10K…Florida State Chapter will host the party!!

:d :d :d



Nick are you trying to tell us that we are only generating a measly 10-15 new members per day, thats awfull :wink:



Time to cap membership.

For real , or is this a hoax? Or does this pertain to selling our memberships. Wasn’t there a thread about that somewhere?

Lets take this where Nick can’t read it…ssshhhhhh

If we cap membership, each member would own his NACHI seat, much like one owns a seat at a country club or like one buys/sells a seat at the NY Stock Exchange. We would only accept a new member when one retires or passes on. That seat would then be sold and the money paid to the previous owner.

Otherwise, you all are going to end up with a 12,000-13,000 member trade association some time in 2007. Is that what you really want? Be careful what you wish for… you might get it.

Wrong info, but I will find the right info.

ssshhh, don’t tell Nick about his posts on the other board…LOL

Wow, very interesting thread. Funny how the players have changed, but no the same old message.


Hhhmmm- so, we have the option of capping membership, but not capping some select members?:wink:

Interesting thought, Russ. Nick, I vote for Russ’ option!

“Capping” as in “putting a cap in thier a$s” ? :smiley:

:twisted: =P~ =D>:|__)





I just sent a press release which I was told will be placed in the Long Island Paper, known as neighbor News, on behalf of the Long Island and NY Metro Chapters of NACHI, that our organization has reached a membership of over 8,400 members throughout the entire country.

I will send you the press release when they put it in print, which should be next week, based upon what editorial told me.

Have a great day- Congrats Nick- I think we will be a 10,000 before the summer is over