Sorry if some one needs a table cloth I have none to send out .
I have been able to get them out for every one when needed but unfortunatly the last two I sent out have not been returned .
I have phoned and sent emails to those who have them and just get excuses.
I was not able to send one to a Brother who did a presentation last month.
I have two presentations of my own coming up and I am disapointed that they have not been returned.
I would think these table cloths cost a few bucks to make up. Its not very considerate of those who did not return them nor is it professional considering you have asked them several times.
Who ever has not returned them should be sent a bill for them! If they are not returned I guess that could be considered a theft.
You could tell us who they are and we could all send them an email or give them a phone call. Maybe they will get it then.
I would definately send them a bill.
If you get them back, let me know as I will be needing one in November
I’d be happy to pay a refundable deposit (of say the cost of the tablecloth replacement) for it once I return it directly after the event.
No deposit I pay to ship to you you pay to ship it Back . I expect I will get one back this weekend Some thing wrong with the address apparently . I will need your full address and phone number where it is going to . send me email and remind me again in the fall .
Just another great NACHI service help each other all the time .
Once in a while things get cloged up
Thanks Roy,
Just found out cut off is Nov. Need for mid Jan. 2008. I will email you with particulars.
Do I get a NACHI banner from Nick?
I got one from Nick and one from Roy. Sent Roy’s back and forwarded nick’s to someone in ON. If you look at our photo of the Edmonton show you will see both, one on the wall and one on the table. Also the NACHI banner was sent to the fellow in ON. I hope he sent it on to Roy.
Did he forward it to you?
Allen If you need one from Nick It take about three to four weeks to get it from Denver. Ask now so you have it. Also Nick will send a bunch of promotional stuff.
Great Vern,
Just sent email to De for more info. Have spoke with Creb and they are awaiting my response. Looks good.
No I did not receive it Can you let me know who got it so it can come to me then I can get it out too who might need it .
I can usualy get them to who ever needs in a few days. Thanks Vern glad to help and you are like most get it back to Roy so others can also make use of them.
Roy did you not get the one you sent me back?
I sent them both out the same day via purolator and puralator reported that they were both delivered.
Vern I got yours in three days and sent it out to some one else Thanks .
I finally got that one Back at 5:00 pm yesterday ,and I talked to the person who has the other one and he said he would send it Monday.
I did not get the one or the Banner that you said you shipped to some one else and that they should send it to me .
Any How if one is needed I do have it and can ship on an instant notice Hope to Have number two so we can look after any one else .
Thanks to all for you questions I am sure they helped to get the table cloths Back .
Glad to help all