I can click on threads or links and open 2-3-4 more windows for other websites and they will all load while the nachi page is still thinking about opening. Been that was the last week or so. Nick? Chris?
What happened to our IT department?
It must be your computer, Stephen. I can open 8 or 10 other windows. :mrgreen:
I can open as many windows as I need on other sites and they all open quickly with no delay. Facebook, 1.4 seconds. Yahoo sports with video, 1.94 seconds. Craigslist, 2.23 seconds. Nachi, 1 minutes 15 seconds on the first click. 14.54 seconds on the next link. 4.9 seconds on a third link. 6.9 seconds on 4th link. 1 minute 11 seconds on next link.
There is definitely something going on with their server.
It has been nasty slow here as well. Both on desktop & mobile. Same with me, other sites load fast and fine.
Larry, the windows in your house don’t count!
I have time to brew a pot of coffee.
Like being back on dial up.
Maybe if Nachi cleaned the thousands of DEAD links and threads from the site, it may actually “operate as intended”!!
I have to click a minimum of 2-3 times.
Sometimes I give up & move on.
Greg! Prodigy!
Yep! Been that way since the last server upgrade.
They did several upgrades. You guys may want to clear your entire browser cache and try again. That usually helps
Thanks for posting this Stephen, slowest website in my favorites by a longshot.
Still the same.
“The meat’s gettin’ dried out in the crock pot”!
Received an update from Nick.
“The forum will be closed at the end of the year and a new one opens.”
That’s rather cryptic.
Great thanks for the info Much appreciated …Roy C.
We’ll have an all new message board for 2019. We are migrating everything over to it now. The migration looks like it will take about 2 weeks.
With 80,000 registered users and nearly 2 million posts, we’ve maxed out this message board. Upon completion of the migration, this message board will be archived and the new one will open. The new message board will be lightning fast.
Perhaps if you just didn’t migrate the NFE posts it wouldn’t take as long. There is nothing there of value anyway.
All this slowness is just in time for the “Christmas Party”…