NACHI's Convention now just $99 per person!!!

The BIGGEST Convention, the lowest price ($99).

If you’ve already registered contact Dee at (720) 244-3421 for a refund.

Just to let you all know, the $99 deal worked!!! Attendees are pouring in :smiley:

Make sure you don’t miss out on all the fun

How many attendees are registered thus far?

whats included in the $99 ?


Yes Roy. I saw that already. Does that mean all classes are included?

Does this lowering in price mean that we will actually pay the Hotel this time :mrgreen:

Yes I have not heard there ever being an extra charge .
Pick your classes early as some could end up booked solid.
I expect this will be the biggest Home Inspectors meeting Canada has ever had .
This is one fantastic deal and any one who misses this could be very sorry.
Remember your US dollar is worth about $1;20 or more in Canada.
I just had a phone call from the midwest USA and it sounds like they are getting a group together to come . Lots of Room and lots to do . Toronto has so many different theaters and Museums and if you can get a chance try and see Niagara Falls . It shows a lot more from the Canadian side . they also have so many things there to do

No Pass Port required if driving , pets do require a Rabies certificate.

Roy Cooke

How do you pre-book? I know of at least one that will be very full, and I don’t want to miss it!! :wink:

If you register by April 10, 2007 you pay only:
If you register after April 10, 2007 you have to pay:
If you are a NACHI member:
$ 99. NACHI Members click here to register.
$499 after April 10, 2007.
If you are a CAHPI member:
[SIZE=2][COLOR=#800080]$ 99. CAHPI Members click here to register.
$499 after April 10, 2007.
If you are not a NACHI member:
$499. Non-members click here to register.
$599 after April 10, 2007.
If you are a spouse of any attendee:

$ 99. Spouses click here to register.
$200 after April 10, 2007.
If you are a licensed real estate agent:
Free. Members click here for more info.
If you are a convention speaker, educator, exhibitor or child:

[li][SIZE=2]After you register you will be mailed a Convention VIP Pass which gets you full access to everything at the convention including educational classes, exhibit hall, library, the Exhibitor Lounge, a chance to win most door prizes, educational materials, presentations, some treats and much more. The convention pass does NOT provide free food or free room and board.[/li][li]Spouses get the same VIP Pass that attendees do and so can attend everything with their spouse including education courses at no extra charge.[/li][li]If you prefer you can register by mail by clicking the *register links, printing the online registration form, filling out the form, including payment and mailing it to NACHI, 1750 30th Street, Boulder, CO, 80301.[/li][li]If you prefer you can register by fax by clicking the register links, printing the online registration form, filling out the form and faxing it to (650) 429-2057.[/li][li]Your pass will be waiting for you at the registration desk.[/li][]Questions? Email [/SIZE][/ul]

Thanks but I have that covered. How do I Pre-booked my classes?

I do not know but will try and find out .
Asking questions on this forum is not always the best way to get answers as many times this BB is not monitered . For quick correct answers the best way is to go to
Questions? Email
– Roy Cooke

Thanks Roy,
Look forward to bending your ear in TO. :wink: Maybe your arm for 1 or 2 if your up to it!:cool:

Look forward I try to help all all the time any questions I try to tell it like it is .
Roy Cooke A happy NACHI member . example 11 emails today for information and two phone calls.

Any answer as to the numbers yet?

I wonder is this any of my or your business to know this information .
I wonder why you would ask .
This also I think is a number that changes steadly .
I also expect that many do not register till the very last I know I have done this .

I do not know and do not expect to know and do not feel it is my right to know.

Roy Cooke

It wasn’t my question, I just noted it had been avoided.

Is there any harm in telling us how many have registered to date?

If it is super secret information, then maybe it shouldn’t be posted how tons of people are taking adavantage of the discount pricing.

I wouldn’t count on it.

This is a very standard question that I ask nearly EVERY association when attending their tradeshow. That is how I determine whether or not I will go as a vendor. You can bet it’s my business to know how many attendees are supposed to show up.