Bill, Of those hundreds of complaints to insurance companies…how many of those do you think are bonified/legitimate complaints. If most of them are anything like some of the ones I’ve had, they wouldn’t even make it to a court or trial. They are just dilution ed home buyers that got an inspection and figured they shouldn’t have to spend any money on repair & maintenance on a home thats 30 to 50 years old, or when Mike Holmes ripped the drywall off the walls and found mold,…well why didn’t my home inspector see this?:roll: As you well know, unfounded complaints are probably the MAJORITY.
And just for prospective, it would be nice to know if those “hundreds” of complaints were out of tens of thousands…hundreds of thousands…a million?? of total home inspections actually performed.
You also mentioned something about not having to join this National certification. This is all fine and dandy, but RUMOR has it, that the Realtors and their associations are calling for certification of some kind and are going to require that anyone doing an inspection for a Realtor sold home is going to have to have this certification or they won’t allow it? If this is the case, then the statement about not having to join would not be an accurate statement, correct? We have to inspect to earn a living and if cut out of Realtor controlled sales. I doubt anyone could live off FSBO listings.
If National Certification becomes mandatory, would it mean I would be out of my full time way of earning a living, if I don’t swallow all this. As far as I know, that’s unconstitutional. Do you think the courts will back this if hundreds of home inspectors decide to buck this. The association will need every cent of the money they collect just to pay court costs and our wages /income we lose because they shut us down. This smells a whole lot like the GUN REGISTRY scandal…a good idea on paper and to the bureaucrats but just a HUGE waste of time and MILLIONS of DOLLARS of our taxpayers monies AGAIN.
I for one say, let the private Market place dictate our future. They will do it much quicker, and for a whole lot less money. If your a lousy inspector you’ll be out of business real quick, one way or the other.(either no business, or they’ll sue you for everthing youv’e got) If your a good inspector, you’ll flourish and be in business for as many years as you want.
Did I understand you correctly, that the gov’t has already thrown a **million **dollars towards this certification…:shock: I guess that supports my GUN REGISTRY theory. No disrespect directed to you personally Bill, This is just my personal feelings to wards a gov’t backed/one association, rule and cure the worlds problems type of idea. I don’t think it will work, I don’t think the courts will back the intrusion into already practicing home inspectors life styles. It’s just another form of dictatorship to an association who themselves got into the game in its infancy and intends on sneaking in before most of even know whats happening or going on. If they think it’s warming up now, see what happens when all of a sudden every home inspector across the country gets a letter stating they have to comply to this new law that most had little to do with or maybe haven’t even heard of yet.