need help with my Bradford white electric water heater

Originally Posted By: zambeto
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Hello all,

I am looking for any information on a little problem with my water heater. I’m not sure how old it is so I can’t help with that. It looks new from the outside, if that helps. icon_lol.gif

I am getting clicking, tinking sounds. It will go on for hours then stop then start up when ever I turn on the hot water. When I turn off the cold supply during it’s long episodes of sound making, it stops. Can anyone help me out?

-----------------------------------------------hey i found out the's a 1999 model...... Is this a dead board or what?

Originally Posted By: ecrofutt
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Age of Water Heater:

Bradford-White uses a 20-year cycle in their serial numbering system beginning in 1964. The first letter is the year, the second is the month. They skip the letters I, O, Q, R, U and V. The did have a computer error in 1997 and some have serial numbers beginning with OA in January of 1997.

So, a serial number of GBB528963 could either be February of 1970 or February of 1990. Figuring out which shouldn't be too difficult. Water heaters tend to follow certain color trends. Harvest gold and tan were really popular back in 1970.

Sounds like you have some sediment buid up that's broke loose and moving around in the tank whenever the heat comes on.

Have a qualified plumber take a look at it.

I'd guess someone didn't follow the instructions to drain it yearly to flush out some of the sediment.

Erby Crofutt
B4U Close Home Inspections
Georgetown, Kentucky

Originally Posted By: zambeto
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thanks alot, I’ll check out the date. I just bought the house so, I have no idea if they took care of draining the tank yearly. Do you think if I drain the tank now, it would fix it? I am thinking of getting a new gas water heater any brand names that you would suggest?

Originally Posted By: zambeto
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It’s a 1999 model

Originally Posted By: ssopha
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

A.O.Smith is a good water heater.