Need some help with this... Extension cord for a Stackable unit?

I ran in to this today… An 220/240v electric extension plug for a stackable washer n dryer unit… It appeared to be substandard… reason because it was just hanging off to the side? no form of secured mounting i tried doing a search for some kind of guidelines for these type of extionsions and found nothing…? I am open for advice and or comments… :-k

Some would argue that the cord is a replacement for permanent wiring therefore not permitted. That appears to be an appliance cord and surface mount receptacle that someone made up to use as an extension cord.

Welcome to the Forum.

In my opinion, I would be more concerned about the white plastic vent hose. These are a fire hazard. Especially when they are possibly pushed tight to wall as indicated in your picture. They are not real rigid, can crimp, then they will start blocking or filling with lint. The traditional metal type much safer.

For safety purposes always make sure your customers have smoke detectors and if they have any fuel burning appliances or attached garage, have a CO detector.

Cords are not designed to be fastened. Your picture looks like the proper manufacturer supplied cord designed for the dryer. I would be open if someone has something else to say about the cord question.

Good question Julian.

Robert your right. Missed the 2nd picture. Duh!


Is it just me or do most electricians install these receptacles upside down with the angle plug on the cord twisted over like in the photo?

I do see it as pictured. Not a lot. Probably depends how many beers they had the night before. Ha haaa.


Extensions are temporary.
And the modification / alteration of the cord is improper
Cord on the appliance needs to be changed.

Since the unit is designed to be stacked. This is ok!
Manufactured plug allows room for options.
This allows them to expand on the basic cord length and the box is completely sealed.
Mark is right about the plastic vent being the fire safety issue.:smiley:

Improper extensions are permitted if the appliance is stacked
not if side by side?
interesting… :slight_smile:

What makes you think it is improper!

The electical box
installed on a Cut / Modified cord
laying on the floor
behind the dryer…

When I have found this…
it is usually a 3 prong wall receptacle
to accept a 4 prong cord on the Dryer…
Home Owner Installation…

For one thing the listing on that receptacle does not permit it to be used on the end of a cord laying on the floor. It’s designed to be fastened in place. If a box is supported by a cord then it’s an accepted standard to have a strain relief and a hub in the box.

I want to make it clear that I do not agree with it just hanging.
It needs to be fastened in a new location. I would still have it corrected just like the issue found on the back of Electrical stoves.
The unit must be an approved box or extension designed for its purpose and attached to the wall.:smiley: In Canada the CSA tag must be on the cord and box.
This does look like a three wire design and therefore is not approved if it is.

AHJ says this is a problem when the existing plug was not installed at 42 inches. Only a licensed Electrical Contractor can make the changes.
According to the research no cord is acceptable to be altered from the unit without a proper permit.:slight_smile:


No dryers come with a pigtail installed. You have to buy one separately. In this instance they probably bought a standard length cord and found out it didn’t fit. Sorry. It is wrong and they need to purchase a new pigtail.

I always call out large power cords(220) that are mounted upside down as the pressure from gravity is bending them and causing stress.

If you mean upside-down, as with the round (3 or 4 wire) ground pin at the top (12 o’clock position), that is the preferred position. It is also the preferred method on standard duplex receptacles (outlets)… but you knew that already, didn’t you?!! :wink:

As for the cord itself, I have seen them assembled in different configurations lately… even sideways!

Standard duplex receptacles I always put ground down because they look better. :roll: