That is what I was thinking but I saw what looked like 3 tubes.
Appears to possibly be a capped off flue at the right.
As for the other areas, it appears to be some aluminum flashing of sort, possibly wrapped to hold back insulation from recessed lighting. Peter did state these were in other areas throughout as well.
Yes, some were capped. There was recessed lighting in this house, but none were in these cylinders.
The house had electric baseboard heat and an electric water heater.
These cylinders were not placed in any type of pattern in the rest of the attic.
Were those without caps touching the ceiling, with nothing at all in them?
Yes. They were.
Well, that’s just plain weird! No idea then.
LOL. Same thing went through my head.
one may be a high combustion air vent for the furnace closet and one may extend down for a low combustion air vent…
To me it looks like you are above a water heater.
1: Combustion air vents
2: Gas line
3: Exhaust vent
That other cylinder in front with the date on it, not real sure.
Edit: Just saw where you said there was an electric WH. This might be left over from before they changed it over. Were there other gas appliances? Is the WH underneath this area of the attic?
That would be a BIG gas line (compared to the 3"? elbow in the lower right corner).
The house does not have or ever had any natural gas. All electric.
well since You have eliminated all the other possibilities Im going back to my original response…see post #2
I agree with Jim!
I agree with JR & Jim.
Wow man…I like what they said, too, man.
Could it be an abandoned solar tube/skylight or planned but not installed? Really reaching…