I just thought I would share a safety hazard I observed the other day.
I wish I had a picture.
I was inspecting a rental property and one of his tennants had a metal chain with a cross hanging from the overhead light fixture that was missing and the chain was hanging from the live wires.
I thought to myself that when most people need a jolt they drink coffee or
Caffeine. This guy seemed to preffer a electrical jolt.
By the way the other tennant downstairs preffered to inhale large dosses of gas coming from the stove shut off.
Never a dull moment in the inspection business.
Today I had to play the piano to inspect the water meter & tank.
Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I was originally thinking about some kind of X-10 thing but I think I agree with Jeff. I have never broken a Decora switch but it wouldn’t surprise me if this is what one looks like “off it’s rocker”.
Maybe Bob knows. I’m sure his boys have broken one.