New here! Looking for advice!

Unfortunately I missed todays Webinar! Is there any way to rewatch it, or a run down of the information covered?

Also, I am looking to become a home inspector, but I am unsure about which site to use. I have heard interNACHI is a great option, are there any free intro memberships? I am hard on cash right now and looking to start sooner than later.

Any insight is welcome! Thank you!

Webinars - InterNACHI®

Considering Joining InterNACHI? | InterNACHI FAQ

Becoming a Home Inspector | InterNACHI FAQ

Does InterNACHI® offer free trial memberships? | InterNACHI FAQ


How do you expect to start ANY business with this situation?
Do you have 10K++ to fund your startup?
Do you have 1 to 3 years of emergency funds available to live on?

As for the Webinar… (Don’t know about Internachi), but most every webinar that I partake in states that if I Register and miss it, I will get a Link to view it within a few days to weeks of it’s completion.


You’re implicating heavily that the only way to be in a home inspection career is by owning your own business.

The issue is you’ve asked a vague question and then thrown in your own comment that throws off your own question.

Do you want to start a home inspection business?

Do you want a job as a home inspector with an established business?

What State are you? Different states/locations will have different answers

But in general, yes, InterNACHI classes are what you need regardless to become a home inspector.

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I have to agree with the previous comments My first year I was sued for no less than 100k. I won but still. Any mentor’s in your area?

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WOW 100,000 thousand? Im curious what happened?

Even just getting a job at a local inspection firm is going to cost you money, tools are not free, and the schooling can take time, does your state require a home inspector license? If so there are costs to that. If you want a job you can get into for free, McDonald’s is always hiring. And you will probably make the same money.

Everything was in the report. They wanted new windows and a new line (we didn’t do a sewer inspection). They sued me for everything I called out. It was dumb.

Still needed to pay the insurance company and honestly they did the bare minimum. The insurance industry is absolutely pathetic

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I’m sorry to hear that. I guess you will always have that 1 customer that is never satisfied. Question do you make your customers read the standard of practice and sign they have read it before you start? Just curious, apologize if that wasn’t the right question. There has to be a clear way they understand you are there to do a visual inspection of systems and components that you can visually deem inoperable/suspect. I am an inspector in training and that made me think of what kind of security we have as inspectors to protect us to the fullest. It’s not fair that someone buys a home and something goes wrong a month later and they want to come after you. Hmmmmm your story will make me very verbal on what I’m performing and what my specific job title is.