Interested in ir course.
I’m interested Bill, can you post a link to your website?
Here’s his website…home inspection, property inspection, home inspector
I’m curious, why are you interested in his site?
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]David,[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I thought he was offering an on-line IR course, it turns out he is interested in taking the on-line IR course. I was just messing with him, it turns out that he is messing with us![/FONT]
Is this free to members and if not, how much? How much for non members?
No, they are not FREE.
NACHI TV has a lot of FREE Videos that are very educational, but Advanced education will cost ya.
This is a nice IR video… free to everyone and can be used on
your web site as well. Contact me and I can show you how
to embed it into your site.
It is called a “Consumers Guide To Infrared Thermography”
Here is another free IR video