NEW Inspector looking for mentoring/shadowing/job opportunity in S. FL

Hi everyone,

I hope the year is bringing good things to the inspection business. I recently obtained my HI license and would love the opportunity to gain a mentor to shadow or maybe find an employment opportunity to get my career started. I’ve done a handful of inspections through shadowing but I’ve yet to put my foot in the door.

Thanks for the help!

Victor, you may want to check with some nearby chapters to see if there is anyone there that can mentor you. You my have to travel 40 to 50 miles because some inspector don’t want to “train their competition”

Otherwise get on the phone and call a CMI to see if they would do it for you.

Good luck.

Good stuff. Beggars can’t be choosers so I wouldn’t mind traveling some to pick someone’s brain. Thank you for the help Larry.

You’re welcome, Victor. :smile: