Originally Posted By: Brian Simdars This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi All, I’m trying to get started and would feel much more comfortable if I could tag a long on a couple of inspections with someone with some experience. I was certified through the AHIT training program back in December. I have the business side of things set up now so I just need some experience actually doing inspections. I know I could do them on my own, but would really like to see how someone with experience handles things. Please post here or email me at bsimdars@mn.rr.com if you are willing to let a future HI tag a long.
Originally Posted By: away This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am not from your area but I thought I would help you out a little.
In another thread (can't find it and don't have the energy to try) someone was requesting ride-alongs. It was suggested they contact inspectors in their area directly via findaninspector.us. This will allow you to introduce yourself "personally" rather than through a cattle call here.
Also, not all members read every section of the message board so your post may have been missed.
I see you are not a member of NACHI and I don't know if there is a chapter in your area or not - I did find one listed in St. Cloud. You can look through the Chapter Announcement section to see if one exists or even check with some of the inspectors in your area.
If a chapter does exist, see about attending a meeting or two. That is a good way to get to know some of the inspectors in your area.
Originally Posted By: Brian Simdars This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I appreciate the insight. I will have to do a little search for inspectors in my area and see what I can find. I’m not a member of NACHI yet, I need to make a little $ before I start dishing it out on memberships. I’m going to try and find someone that is out of the area that I will be concentrating on, I don’t want them to feel like they are training their competition.