New licensing number icon added to members dashboard.


I’ve added a link to edit your state licenses in the Member’s Only dashboard, right at the top of the page:

Since we’re doing a lot of work to enhance our state-specific licensing, you might want to take a moment to make sure your license numbers are all entered correctly.

Note: This should only be a state-issued license or certificate number. It should not be your EDU code, driver’s license, SSN, or anything like that. If your state doesn’t issue license numbers, then just leave this page blank.

Let us know if you have any questions!

Tim, is this information used only for CE submissions, or is it used elsewhere, and if so, how and where?


How about people that have more than one number (Home Inspector - Mold Assessor) that they get CEU from here for?

Greg- Make sure you input any state license that you want InterNACHI to submit CE credit hours for.

Greg, a related thread

You can now add multiple states on 1 license. May helep.


Jeff -

At this point I’m only using the license number for CE submissions. That’s correct.

