Just stopped by to see what was going on. Eric is right! I personally stopped doing ANY insurance inspections several years ago for precisely this reason. Saw it coming way back then, got fed up with jumping thru my grommet every 6 mos due to “new” forms. We allowed Realtors AND the insurance industry to tie these asinine insurance inspections to our home inspections. The typical call would start something like this, “Does your home inspection include the wind mitigation and 4 point inspections?” No, well, thanks, my Realtor told me to get all of these at the same time. Plus they wanted those for FREE because there are those inspectors out there that do everything for FREE including watching the kids, providing drinks, popcorn and back massages just to get the work. State Farm bailed out of FL back around 2005-6 so my attitude towards them is they suck! They screwed their own people who had offices here.
I posted my price above. My only fear, well, not really a fear for me, it is for others, is that all of the other insurance companies will adopt this form as many have adopted the Citizens roof form.
I wonder, do you have to follow the soon to be adopted Florida SoP when performing a four-point inspection?
My opinion is no as it is not a Home Inspection by definition of the State.
Anyone else think the damn insurance crooks should have to pay for this crap if they want it?
I wish that we could make a insurance company that was fair and just but I imagine if you played by Florida laws you would have to be a crooked their=f just to get by. I do not know but if it is possible why doesn’t someone make come up with a company that treats people fair at a fair price. My only guess is that they would have to meet asinine requirements put forth by the State that would financially make it impossible ???
It does not seem like rocket science to me and all I can figure is that the State makes the rules so ridiculous that a fair and honest company cannot compete.
I don’t think excluding a few sections no longer make sit a home inspection. If it did, all you would have to do is exclude one section above and then, you wouldn’t be performing a home inspection which would mean, you wouldn’t need a license to perform a “non-home inspection”.
Has anyone done one of these yet? I just received a call from a State Farm agent saying that one of my home inspection customers was going to need a 4 Point with this form. I really don’t want to do it but I also don’t want to let a customer down.
If it were a new customer requesting the 4 Point, I would probably turn it down or charge a much higher price.
I complete a fair amount of work for State Farm agents in my area. I have not been asked to use this form to date. However, when i receive a request for a four point for a State Farm policy I have directed my office to call the agent and clarify which form is to be used.
I have already informed the State Farm agents that I work with locally that if the State Farm form is requested the inspection will be priced in accordance with our full home inspection cost structure.
Looks like State Farm is beginning to write some policies in our local area - Got asked to perform one of these last week - I quoted based on size - but did not get the job - the agent found someone willing to do it for $55.00
Nope, I don’t believe I will be getting in a price war on this one - Gor for it brother, whoever you are!!
WHOA! Got to be kidding me. Guess I will charge more too but for the moment I don’t think Ill do them. People already complain about pricing too much. I have cases in which home owners cry to me. Breaks my heart but this is my profession which I studied for. I walk most roofs, they seem to think my life has no value and that my gas is free.:roll:
So sorry it took you so long to figure that crap out. but is is oh so true. It is a big problem I have with this profession but folks felt that way about those who called themselves Home Inspectors long before my arrival “maybe all the fluff that was so prevalent? who knows…”
I doubt any of us know anything about you. Update your profile and tell us about yourself, experience & what you did before this etc… and welcome to the ZOO
Mueller services is listed in a handout that the State Farm agents give to their clients as the provider for these inspections. Mueller services is charging $55 to perform them. The handout says that the owner may find their own inspector, however the price may be higher.
Hey Blane, long time… Anyway, I found a guy in Tampa willing to do then for $110 and that was still about $200 too cheap.
I think the insurance industry is bypassing the Standards of Practice the state established for home inspections. Why should the insurance industry not be held to the same standard, why should they be able to make up their own forms and requirements.
From here on out ALL home inspections should conform to the state standards regardless of the use, what is good for the homebuyer is good for the insurer, why should it be any different.