John writes:
Let me know if I can personally add to that stack.
John writes:
Let me know if I can personally add to that stack.
Anytime you want! InterNACHI® - International Association of Certified Home Inspectors
Did it go through?
Wow Nick! $500.00 just hit our FL Home & Insurance Inspectors Chapter Account. That is in addition to the 1001.00 you previously donated.
THANK YOU Nick for your 1501.00 Donation towards our political affairs! Your support is much appreciated!
P.S. Russ - your behind now… LOL!
He is rich and bored…I am poor and lively…
Thank you Nick! AGAIN!
Nick’s the best!
Just want to add this, I am a member of the West Central Florida chapter, FLnachi and FLHII. I have never been asked my opinion on any thing before it happened by any of these organizations EXCEPT by FLHII. I’m sorry but even though I think Wayne has done a good job and I understand the need for donations, I can’t see my way to giving anything with out also having input and information before hand.
Me too!!!
I have given in the past but will withhold in the future until I am assured
a seat at the table.
I can understand the notion of too many cooks in the kitchen but hate the fact that information is with held because it causes too much consternation. I love Zoe and those she has aligned herself with, but FLHII
needs to have a seat at the table to keep everything on the up and up.
Fire breathers are a necessity in any organization, they keep the click on their toes.
My concern is that, although Wayne has done a good job so far, I have not been kept informed.
I’ve never been notified what issues are coming up, I’ve never been polled about my opinions on those issues, I’ve never been told what position Wayne is going to be supporting in my name.
I’m a member of two of “Zoe’s” groups and thought I got along with rather well with her. I’ve offered my help if needed, in fact the last time we talked Zoe had asked me about presenting the Pool inspection course at one of WCFl’s meetings. So I thought maybe just maybe I would be kept in the loop, but I have no idea who’s making the decisions or how. It’s hard to argue for FLnachi or the West Central Florida chapter under those conditions.
In my opinion the best out come would be for both groups, FLnachi and FLHII to work together but for that to happen there needs to be an exchange. FLnachi doesn’t seem to feel the same way.
I invited some FLNachi members to Tallahassee and dinner there. I have set-up a meeting in October and get no response. I am not sure what else we can do for them, other then to sit down and shut-up.
Below is the email I sent them.
*Scott and Richard,
We have been able to schedule a meeting location on October 29th at 4:30 for the Chapter President’s meeting. Let me know who will be attending. If you would like to discuss anything before that date, please do not hesitate to call me. I will also be in Tallahassee on Monday the 19th for the OIR meeting with some Nachi members, if you would like to join us for dinner.
John Shishilla
President FLHII Chapter
321-626-8153 *
Sit down and shut up John! Just kidding. Were the FLaNachi peeps at the OIR?
If they were I did not see them. They did not speak.
I did sit down and shut-up, right after I stood-up and spoke.
Huh… So who is cuttin wayne a check?
Hopefully every inspector in the state of Fl!
So should I have Inspector Outlet make us some “Sit Down and Shut Up” T-shirts for the Convention?
yeah, that would be classic
They were noticibly absent. If somone from FlaNACHI was at the OIR meeting, they didn’t introduce themselfs as such.
FLHII was clearly there and everyone knew it. John, Russel, & Preston, were in the front row for all to see.
And we all know Russ does not sit down and shut-up:p
Yeah, when he’d sit down, his fingers were doing all the talking…He never stopped typing!