(Chris Duphily, Level II Infrared Thermographer #8355)
Hey hunny I just watched DIY lets cut these joists and move the stairs to the other side of the home. Better yet lets forget about properly supporting them!
sorry, I had some showing the full structure but the clients head is in the way in them!
So what are the joists at the top stair riser supporting now, that he would even lleave them there.
(Chris Duphily, Level II Infrared Thermographer #8355)
The problem is he cut out the joists and did not re-suport the structure. I’m going to have to go back and take more pics. My camera did not enjoy falling in the snow prior to the basement inspection. :neutral:
yeah I feel your pain as the sellers came home while I was getting a ladder for the attic and I noticed my camera LCD screen cracked.
Told my client and she said real loud in front of the sellers , gee what happened to your camera to see if they would fess up.
Oh well at least it still works.
Hard to tell from a photo but it looks as though the header is resting on the block wall and maybe the other side is a double joist?
If the span is within acceptable limits that install would be O.K. Although the lack of joist hangers is a problem.
It’s hard to inspect from photos alone and wondered if it was wide enought too.
(Chris Duphily, Level II Infrared Thermographer #8355)
My fault, poor photograph- the header is unsupported.
It ends at the stringers at both sides. What you see is another cut joist giving the appearance of the header continuing to the wall. Home owner was not home when I got there to take more pics … at least the camera appears to be “ok” but I am getting a back up next week.
My fat A** didn’t scrape the walls when I was walking up or down the stairwell, doesn’t that meet acceptable criteria? :mrgreen:
… Width was ok - 38" wide, No handrail and the winder was not to “minimum standards”
Does the IRC or IBC list requirements for wood stairs? For example: Spacing between stringers, minimum stringer dimensions, support or securing methods at top and bottom of stringers (as seen in Chris’s right-side picture), thickness of treads in relation to material type, face grains, slip-resistance finishes, etc. Is all that stuff for wooden stairs grouped or listed together somewhere in the code? (I can’t find anything…)
That document has nothing about the things that I asked about. Quoting me: “…Spacing between stringers, minimum stringer dimensions, support or securing methods at top and bottom of stringers (as seen in Chris’s right-side picture), thickness of treads in relation to material type, face grains, slip-resistance finishes, etc…”