Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
I was wondering what everybody else thinks about this staircase installation, particularly the fact that it is only top nailed into the joists, I know we'll see a heck of a lot of this does anybody else think as I do that there should be some further supports to the underside of this staircase.
I know that somewhere else on the board we had discussed this previously but I can't find the posts please let me me know what you think
I have had a look at IRC but I can find no reference to staircase attachments.
Originally Posted By: jrice This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Where can the hand rails secure to? Top and bottom seem too far apart to me to offer a lot of support? As far as the stair stringers go, if they are made from 2x12 they shouldn’t need supported half way down. There should be strapping or brackets that attach it to the joist opening. Looks like treads are 2x10, should have a third stringer in the middle.
Originally Posted By: Guest This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I bet those stairs are rigid as heck with the osb now part of the assembly. The risers support each tread and no center support is required. The attachment to the joist w/ nails isn’t unusual and should suffice nicely as long as the nails are 16’s and there’s more than a few of them. I guess a strap wouldn’t hurt. An engineer type could probably suggest a nailing schedule.
Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Ive done hundreds of those type stairs which didn’t have or need a center stringer, and were only nailed to the double joist at the top. One of the stairs I inspected was in my own home. 7 years, no problems, no squeaks, no movement.
Originally Posted By: roconnor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I dont see any need for supplementary supports, but there needs to be a good stringer attachment to the framing.
Many officials will require the stringers to be connected to the header/girder with framing anchors, and I agree with that and think it's the best attachment. But as a minimum I would think there should be at least like four 16d facenails connecting each stringer to the joist/trimmer on the side. Toenails into the header/girder just won't cut the mustard.
P.S. For new construction the IRC requires any joist or beam (including stair stringers) to have adequate bearing or be attached with "approved joist hangers" (IRC R502.6). Therefore any nailed joist/beam connection would need to be engineered (IRC R502.1 and R301.1.2). So for new construction you could ask if any nailed connections have been engineered and approved, or if you see an existing one that doesn't look right you could recommend further evaluation by a professional.
Just my 2-nickles (or 16d nails as the case may be) ... ![icon_wink.gif](upload://ssT9V5t45yjlgXqiFRXL04eXtqw.gif)
-- Robert O'Connor, PE
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Originally Posted By: psissler This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Gerry,
When I was building houses I always added a Simpson tie to the underside of the well for added integrity. It was not required by code out here but I always did it, for personal reasons. As long as it is nailed off to spec it's fine.