Nick there is a guy looking for $1,400,000.00 to help EDUCATE on the Wind Mitigation Form. They are looking for a “standard”. I don’t know how goverment works and the insider information.
Just an idea that maybe could help NACHI. Just some FYI, do what you want with it.
This reminded me of a good post from Darius Grimes in October…
“It is aslo worth mentioning that every froup in attendance at rule devlopment hearings has asked OIR to create an instruction sheet to accompany the form. OIR agrees this is a good idea but hass been unable to implemented any rule hearings to date. The entire industry and the Florida Consumer Advocate are now recommending that OIR create an instruction sheet to accompany the form. It will likely take legislative action to authorize OIR to do this.”
Have not listened to the whole thing yet but what little I did listen to this sounds like a this is a pitch by Dr Lavelle to ask for funding from the state to keep up the ARA research work on the wind mitigation study. Of course then the studies findings and any implementation of devices for hardening homes is a direct savings on the amount of exposure to insurance companies. My question would be; why are we the taxpayers being asked to pay for this when the direct benefit is to the carriers. Should not the insurance companies be funding this study ?