Now don't get yer panties all in a knot on this post

sheesh smh, home inspector talking nonsense on THIS subject, yep… sure he may be great on all other aspects with home inspections but not the crap uttered here

He says 'We just had basement ‘waterproofed’ (not!) and is wondering WHY it is leaking LOL

Say again, there are exterior cracks, cracked parging in the block walls, needs exterior waterproofing done correctly! He’s an HI and apparently a licensed builder.

THEN here, listen to what he falsely claims, leaky chute door

In part he claims, exterior waterproofing probably won’t work…

He is telling seller’s and homebuyers to NOT fix, repair, tuckpoint, waterproof the existing exterior cracks–defects which is anti- bilding code… EH. Ditto on 1st video, the interior system did NOT fix, waterproof the existing exterior cracks in those walls which IS where the water is 1st getting into the hollow blocks.

Building CODE in-part goes, "ALL foundation and exterior walls shall be maintained plumb and FREE of OPEN cracks, breaks holes and kept in such condition to prevent rodents, pests, water, deterioration;;;;;; you can go right to his full video n watch if you likey

So tell sellers, homebuyers to bypass the building code and to NOT fix, repair the existing EXTERIOR defects huh, leave that shtt OPEN and allow further water to enter and possible rodents, pests, deterioration and play idiot moron games on the inside of basements

And hey LOL, 'Home inspector TRAINING videos"… really?
So fill new home inspector brains with false claims and BS? smh!

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Now don’t get yer panties all in a knot

Crap, Mark!…you guessed it. I’m not wearing any panties. :face_with_peeking_eye: :crazy_face: LOL!

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand: how is Larry K doing?

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Doin’ good, brother. Hope you are, too! :grin:

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hey, this is the same home inspector who just installed an INTERIOR crooked drainage system and is wondering why it leaks, THEN falsely claims exterior waterproofing probably won’t fix chimney problem

yes sir, so long as BUBBA has his kilo nearby then all is sniffy good, got milk? :baby_bottle::baby_bottle:

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he said, falsely claimed “We just had it WATERPROOFED”.

No ya didn’t, hlll no!

Gonna keep an eyeball on these 2 videos and see if he deletes my comments or deletes vid’s