

Home Inspectors Elect New Leadership: Moving in a Strong New Direction

With near-record votes recorded, the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors elects a new Board to revitalize the Association. Committed to increased consumer protection, a new business vision and plan, and emerging opportunities for its members, the new Board has been charged with facing media criticism, working with government on mandatory licensing, and enlarging the type of inspections for which members are qualified.

MISSISSAUGA, ON, April 15 /CNW/ - In tumultuous times, with the real estate economy in flux, the possibility of provincial mandatory licensing looming, media attention on the rise, and new business opportunities such as energy audits presenting themselves, members of Ontario’s lead inspection association elect a new board of directors with an active and aggressive mandate.
On the weekend, the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors held its Annual General meeting in Mississauga, attracting members from across Ontario. The meeting attracted almost 50% of eligible member votes and high candidate interest producing a board election instead of what has often been an acclamation process.
This renewed interest in leadership is two-fold. David Leech, a new director, said “I am tired of members being critics and only critics. It’s time to step up and volunteer.” Robin Green, President, commented “Increased recognition of our credential Registered Home Inspector (RHI) is testament to our commitment to education, both mandatory minimums and continuing, among the highest in Canada if not in North America. Our members have optimized this training and understanding of the house as a system to create new opportunities in fields of endeavor such as energy auditing. This is only one example of our Members potential, making this an exciting time to lead this well established organization into the future.”
With the advent of mandatory energy audits on residential resale homes introduce by the recent Ontario Green Energy and Green Economy Act, members are excited about the prospects for expanding to these essential services. The members also reviewed several other provincial and municipal programs requiring extensive inspection services, to which the association will respond.
Further discussions related to public and media criticism of the whole inspection community relating to limitations of current inspections, and the performance of inspectors who are not members of the association. In response, the Association is expanding its recent proposal to the Government of Ontario that all home inspectors be licensed under a high-level mandatory provincial scheme in the same way that other real estate professionals are.
Elected directors and officers of the Association are;

Robin Green, RHI, President, Toronto    Gerry Quackenbush, RHI, Vice President, Toronto    Glen Gogal, RHI, Secretary, Toronto    Kirk Iredale, RHI, Treasurer, Exeter    Don Beneteau, RHI, Windsor    David Cook, RHI, Stayner    Brad Durant, RHI, Guelph    David Leech, RHI, Meaford    Phil Robinson, RHI, Toronto    Peter Weeks, RHI, Ottawa

About the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors:

The OAHI was formed in 1987. In 1994, the OAHI became a self-regulating professional body when the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors Act received royal assent, granting the OAHI the exclusive right to define qualification requirements, regulate its members and grant the designation “Registered Home Inspector” and “RHI” to qualified practitioners in the Province of Ontario, under control of title. The OAHI is dedicated to providing consumer protection by enhancing the technical skills and professional practice of home inspectors, and maintaining high professional standards through education and discipline.

For further information: Aubrey LeBlanc, Chief Operating Officer, Ontario Association of Home Inspectors, (647) 504-6862, a.leblanc@oahi.com, www


What does this mean for the NCP? Is OAHI supporting it, or will it now support it?

Claude has made a post on that, seems to like the NCP is going away .
Looks like OAHI is trying to support Liciensing .
The new Group of OAHI Directors many have been known to frequently shade the truth big time .
The President has a bad temper and has a hard time controling it .
Lost a great Home Inspector who did a lot for OAHI when he threw a book at this person …
He walked out and is now a manager of many Home DEPOT stores.
He has called me and others a liar more then once .
I was told they where short many votes this year to have a quorum and took phone votes (bylaws say this is not legal ) to get enough
I was on the OAHI election committee for two years and both years they did not get enough votes so had votes faxed in to make a quorum .


Sounds like NCP is dead for now. It was a good idea, having a single national recognition of a minimum level of competence as we have up here with our “Red Seal” trades certification. e.g. If you are a “Red Seal” electrician, you are recognized across the country so that if you must move for work reasons, you don’t have to retrain/rewrite papers for certification in a new province/territory…you’re recognized as having already proven yourself with the Red Seal.

I think the majority of national certification holders are already members of the various CAHPI chapters with a few like myself with no association links. The CAHPI members just remove NCP info from their ads/websites/etc. and go on with their CAHPI designations. With the NCP-CAHPI link, it would make sense for some arrangement to be made for CAHPI to assimilate the non-affiliated holders into its org.

What we are seeing here is the OAHI trying to have the government place them in a position to control the industry by mandating licensing and putting the OAHI in command. It won’t work of course because they cannot justify licensing. In fact they cannot even demonstrate a need for it let alone supplying proof that licensing will make anyone a better inspector.

So in one corner we have the remnants of the former glory ( OAHI ) with a shrinking membership, no money, a huge debt and a ‘new’ leadership that, much like a recent well known German dictator, commands phantom legions to arms. In the other we have a group of former OAHI members who formed a rival organization ( PHPIO ) who are poised with their 4000 Realtor friends to do battle. The Question in their minds is " Who will be left standing to confer the fabled license on their friends and buddies?"

The answer of course is neither of them. There is a new way coming for all inspectors.

And on that note, I’m pleased to announce that InterNACHI is about to welcome it’s 900th Canadian member.

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Shows how many appreciate what NACHI is and what NACHI does , Thanks NACHI

It’s truly unfortunate that CAHPI made the decision to kill its own successful program. In fact it was so successful, some short-sighted, failed to recognize the long-term national vision.

All that is left will be scattered to strengthen the provincial CAHPI’s and protect the RHI designation.

More to follow.

I find it is unfortunate that the Group that you belong too has been so secretive from the get go .
If information had been forth coming and questions answered I am sure you would have had a lot more support given by many .

Looks to me like all wounds where self inflicted .

Sorry to see so much effort and time has been lost … Roy

I do hope your (“More to follow”) comes to pass as we have been told many times that information
would be given and it has not happened .

It seems that the discussions about CAHPI & OAHI are turning into a never ending “Soap Opera.”

The latest revelations about these two associations are starting to border on the ridiculous. There is simply no hope for any betterment or change - and everything will remain the same unless the two “not-for-profit” organizations are being legally forced to live up to their respective mandates.

The voting results of the latest AGM have confirmed that the OAHI will not “kick the bucket” for at least another year. Again there have been enough phlegmatic dues paying members around who have willingly voted Robin Green into power for a second time to continue with the self-serving agendas and escapades of the autocratic OAHI.

Anyone who is seriously concerned about the disarray in our industry should for a start boycott the upcoming National Home Inspector’s Conference in Kelowna BC.
Staying away - and not wasting any hard earned money on an overpriced and worthless 3-day event - might become an effective wake up call. Particularly if one considers that only the Conference Centre - the Hotel - the keynote speaker and the selected lecturers will benefit from the spectacle for sure.

To attend the conference will cost at least $1,500.00 and up per person. I suggest considering that one week in sunny Cuba - which can be bought for $750.00 including food and drinks served under palm trees - might be much more enjoyable.

RUDOLF REUSSE - Home Inspector since 1976 - TORONTO

$1,5000.00 a person!!! You’ll only attract the idiots with prices like that.

I tried the OAHI Conferences more then once .
. I been to three NACHI Conferences, a lot more information and classes and cost a lot less .I rate NACHI Conferences well above CAHPI/OAHI for sure

OAHI says they had 260 at the conference …


Conference Announcements

Monday March 22, 2010
Thank you to everyone for a successful 2010 Education Conference
We had great response from Home Inspectors across Ontario at our annual conference. When all the counting was done we had 260 people attending the weekend events. The education workshops were well received, the home inspection tours were informative and the exhibitor hall saw lots of traffic. Our conference sponsors Hub International, Amerispec and OREA helped make this years conference a greate a great experience for our inspectors.

You can’t charge inspectors $1,500.00 to attend, that is way out of line.

The price mentioned includes traveling, accomodation and beverages ;-)…

OH BEVERAGES INCLUDED. Well now, that makes a big difference. :roll:
See you in Cuba Nick. Make mine one of those drinks that come in the ‘monkey head’. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Awe, c’mon!! HI’s are making $100K or more per year…surely they can afford the measly $1,500…just for the break from their overbooked schedules!!

I wonder how small a fraction of 1% of the home Inspectors make $100,000.00

Brian and I make over that but not many more do…

Mexico, PesosMXN


$$$3624Standard dollar sign is generally used to signify peso peso

The peso was the first currency in the world to use the “$](http://www.nachi.org/wiki/Dollar_sign)” sign,