Kevin Richardson introduced me to the Inspection Support Network. Since then I watched the NACHI TV episodes involving the company and checked out their website and demo.
All I can say is wow! I have only been working with the ISN system for a week (testing making sure it will work for me) and can tell that the ISN system is going to save me so much time and keep me very organized. I havn’t even scratched the surface of the potential that the ISN can give me and yet the ISN system is amazing. Chris at the ISN has been very helpfull and has given alot of support to get the system set up the way I want it. The ISN team is great at implementing my suggestions, wants and needs (guickly I might add). The ISN system is not just an online schedular and calandering system, it is a complete business management system specificly for Home Inspectors. I am sorry to say, for selfish reasons, I will not recommend the ISN to my local competition (why help them out?) although they may read this post but I wanted to spread the news on the iNACHI message board about this system. If anyone has been thinking about a system like this you got to check them out.
Thanks Kevin this is exactly what I was looking for.