I completed this inspection yesterday, and found this “so called” repair to a rafter. The house is new and passed the building inspection.
lol…now you know the building municiple inspector is not going to get his pants dirty by actually going into the attic don’t you. Prime example of why you are needed.
Now…when asked did anyone say the plan engineer advised the changes and approved them…I would bet not.
Geeze… they could have at least used a truss plate!
Actually that looks like something that could be missed very easily. The building inspectors are not going to catch every item. That is a fact. Too many factors. Not defending it, but that is just the way it is. It also depends where you live in Ontario. Some municipalities have good inspectors, others do not.
Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
They didn’t even bother to cut the jack rafters to fit we would they go to the trouble of gusset plates?
:shock::shock: nice job :shock::shock:
I see this stuff all the time, along with cut joists for drain pipes.
Had a condo conversion. Cat 4 furnace in a closet in the kitchen, next to the outside wall. a Bryant with the intake right there on top with no PVC going out. Called them on it, contactor said the the 'real inspector; was coming by soon and he had OKed it. I did the rest of the inspection.
Contractor came up at the end with the Chicago code ‘real inspector’ in tow. The code guy read me the riot act, yellin in front of my client that there is absolutely no reason for anyone in Chicago to hire a home inspector because they ‘do the job right’.
I asked him if he OKed the furnace. He said yes. I pulled out the manufacturer’s installation manual from its pouch on the side of the furnace. I opened it and showed the ‘inspector’ where the manufacturer said that the combustion air line HAD to be run in a confined space. I then informed him of the ‘code’ provision that all manufacturer’s instructions must be followed and trump code.
He just swore and walked away.
BTW: My client (and the Realtor) applauded.
Win some!
and besides, they used way too many nails.
I sometimes ask myself why I quit the trade. Then I see crap like this. Nuf said
I would have been embarrassed to cobble that together.
Some of our forefather carpenters are turning over in their grave.
That is pathetic! That should have been caught on the roof framing inspection long before any drywall went up. Hell, all the inspector had to do was look up. The jack rafters were not cut in to fit flush with the hip rafter or the (what I am assuming) is the ridge beam. The position of the nails appears to me to be so far back from the ends I doubt if the nails barely touch or clip the beam. That is just laziness or incompetence. That looks like a Simpson clip that has been flattened out being used for gussets. Unbelievable. You would probably be surprised at how many lead carpenters can’t use a rafter’s square or lay out a set of stairs. I see this kind of crap all the time too. There is little pride in workmanship anymore. I guess if there was we would all be doing something else.
How and where do these people come from that would do this type of work?
*You might want to say they were on the right track and just forgot to by the right Simpson joist hanger. *
*They ran out of the right length lumber and improvised with what they had in the shed. *
*I just hope that whoever was paid to do this work, was not on time and 1/2 rate. *
*If this was done by a Contractor, he should be sued for improper use of framing skills, endangering the occupants of the dwelling. *
*Framing techniques are well below the average standards of the Country and would recommend a Structural Engineer or a Competent General Contractor to evaluate and recommend remedial repairs required to alleviate potential hazard to the homeowner. *
*Marcel *
BTW, you are to be commended for catching this, especially after the fact and inside a dark attic. Good job! At least now the buyer is aware of some the kind of work that went into their home.
*Tyrone; I guess they don’t make Building Inspectors like they used to. *
*Wonder if a permit was issued for the work? *
*Ha. Ha. *
*Marcel *
I don’t think the Building Inspector even showed up at this House. This home is 6 yrs old. The home owner built it his self with some help from his Buddy’s.
He asked me if I though the buyers would back out. I told him, Sir I really don’t know, maybe they won’t mind a crooked roof.
I have a friend that has gutted an old farm house that I have done all the plumbing on. The inspector checked everything out & did not miss anything. He was inpressed with my work and was surprised that I was not a plumber. Now when it came to the electrical inspector, that was another story. She came in and never left the living room. She came a day early too. She gave us the ok. One side of the house had no wireing done at all yet. It was going to be done later that day. She looked at 1 switch and 2 recepticles. That was it.
She was upset because the government had cut their pay and then took something like 1/4 of their pay and put it into a forced retirement saveings plan for retirement.
She was in no mood to do any inspections. Everything has been done properly, but still!
crooked, hell that poor thing has scoliosis. i’d feel bad and buy it too. i like helping the needy. :mrgreen: