Pa. newbie

Great idea Joseph …email sent

Great Idea Joe I think that will help a lot of guys out We ( newbies ) need more people like you. Thanks.

It has, however, also given me the idea that there may be some newer inspectors (and maybe even some veterans) who would want to set up an informal group to trade leads, marketing ideas, report reviews, software, and some other ideas I have.
Very nice Joe, This is a true HI at his best, willing to help the industry not just his wallet. Count me in, I’ll give what I can or even have a PA meeting of sort where we could all meet. I think I have some good ideas to help, because it’s scary and hard to be a newbie.

That’s the general idea.

I was there not too long ago and I recall (all too clearly) the problems I encountered and the lack of people who would help or give straight answers.

So, for newer inspectors (even non-NACHI members) I think this will help answer questions you are hesitant to post publicly. It will also give some direct feedback on report writing, report review, inspection styles, etc.

For veterans, it provides a chance to discuss marketing strategies, take a fresh look at what you are doing (to give it a shot in the arm) and to trade tips.

For everyone, it is an informal network to use and contribute to.


Thanks so much people like you and Joe are good for the business and NACHI. I have been try for so time to get involved with people in the inspection business. Because you are so right it is very hard for new guys to break in to this business.I was trying to get some ride alongs and on the job training but had no luck until I ran in to Joe. I did find someone but they were members of NAHI and PHIC. And when they found out that I belonged to NACHI you know what I was in for. So thanks again for the support. And I think the help with marketing ideas, report reviews, software, will be a big help .

Hope to meet with you soon


Can’t remember who I stole this link from but I ordered one and IMO it is fantastic!


I sincerly hope you continue to post on this message board. I have learned a great deal from many HI’s on this board … You are at the top of that list.

Thanks for everything you have done to help me develop my business and improve as a HI.

I am still very interested in participating in your informal network idea.

All the best to you and your family [/asskissing] :wink:

Hey Chris,
I am just about to send out some schedules for next week to see if anyone has time/interest for a ride along.

I have a group list of emails so far, and I will be sending out updates, some topics for discussion, and other ideas through email until I get my new site (under construction) completed (hopefully VERY soon) and we can have a page located there (maybe - i’m not too saavy with how to create and post such a forum - so I am relying alot on tech support and it is a new company, so…)

Until such time, I figured we can just trade emails back and for the group. I should be sending one out this week. (no asskissing needed!!)

Hey guys,
I,m a PA newbee also. Looking to gain some expert knowledge from all.
Joe- I think your doing a great thing with ride-alongs. Please add me to your e-mail list. I’m looking forward to this venture and hope to meet some of you soon.

You’re in! And welcome aboard!

I am trying to get to all this stuff as quikly as I can but I am overwhelmed right now. I should bail out by the weekend and make an effort at organizing some ride alongs and setting up some other info exchanges.

Keep the ideas coming!

Sorry for not chiming in sooner, but I’m willing to get together with anyone in my area, to offer ride alongs, share a cup of coffee (or margarita or beer, etc.), exchange ideas, whatever. I’m in south central PA, about 2 1/2 - 3 hours west of Philadelphia, 3 1/2 hours east of Pittsburgh, 1 hr southwest of Harrisburg, along the Maryland border. About half of my inspections are actually in MD.

I believe I’m already signed up on Joe M’s informal exchange group, but if any one is in my area and wants to get together in person, I’d like to help in anyway that I can. You can e-mail me at

Also, I imagine everyone in PA got the e-mail about the new Chapter forming in central PA, but in case you didn’t, the first meeting is February 27th. You might want to check it out. .

take care,

Peace of Mind Home Inspections

Thanks Joe,

I’m looking forward to meeting with everyone. It’s good to know guys like
you and Mark who are willing to help other co-members out. Keep up the
good work.

Much appreciation…


Not terribly green-horn, but I won’t pass up a chance to network and learn more, is there one more slot? I’m about 40+ mins north of you, and can make time during the week(tu-th).


You got it, Tom.

I will be posting more tomorrow (or maybe emailing) I still have some details to work out. If you know interested guys - let me know.

This week’s schedule for inspections where I can take a ride along is going out via email tonight.

If you do not get one by noon tomorrow, contact me and let me know (I may have overlooked ro mistyped your email for some reason or another).

Instructions (as much as there are any) are in the email…

EDIT: sorry all, I ran out of steam last night before posting a schedule. It will be up today sometime!

Emails are out. If you didn’t get one, I dont have you on the list, so let me know via email.

For those who emailed me apparantly my email server is experienceing undefined difficulties (hooray, aprosite) which may or may not be resolved. I have attempted to email each of you again (you were all in the original list) but I am not sure when it may send.

I will keep at it!

I’m going to further hijack this thread, and say I live in the Bethlehem, pa area, and am interested in riding along. So if anyone wants to have a co-pilot on an inspection, I would appreciate it.

Thank you,


Call me…

John LoMonaco
570-470-9410 cell
570-226-5222 Office

I’m looking for a part time inspector.