Now I thought I would retract the post but allow the thread to remain.
Everyone is allowed their opinion.
Marcel, anything of value to offer?
You have been removed from InspectionNews as well, have you not?
Totally ignore!
W.A.F.I.2 starts new incoherent thread. Follow at your own risk. :roll:
Are we done yet? I hope so!
Really? You act as if you’ve never interacted with Robert before. :razz:
OMG! and Mr. Young has the gall to suggest other people are unethical?!!
He has just blown the InterNACHI message board wide open posting information from the closed forum onto the public forum.
Let’s see what happened last time this was done…(found through google search, open to the public InterNACHI Membership Advisory Board )
**7/21/05 **- Please note that as of Thursday, 7/21/2005. After reviewing the incident pertaining to Mr. Joseph Burkeson copying and pasting information from the MAB private forum into the members only section of the Bulletin Board, the MAB decided to vote on the removal of Mr. Burkeson for breaching the committee trust. It was the willingness and act itself, and not the content of the matter that brought about the decision to vote on the issue. A vote of five (5) in favor of “Yes”, and three (3) in favor of “No”, resulted in the removal of Mr. Burkeson from the committee. The decision has been forwarded to InterNACHI leadership and notice to Mr. Burkeson has been issued.
Totally ignore his sad-sack quotes, looks like he knows not what he says or does.
A Go Fund Me account to raise money for a doctor’s help & medication would perhaps be welcome.
[size=1]**[FONT=Arial]Been having physical problems, my bones, and have had trouble sleeping.
I suffer from a form of dyslexia.
Caused from extreme head trauma 41 years ago.
6 Nero surgeons putting the dormer together and almost lost my life and to this day I still have problems
At one point in my life I was an alcoholic and addict.**
To further my post, and hopefully without bullying, I will do so here.
Insulated Glass Seal Failure
Insulated glass, sometimes called by the old LOF trade name Thermopane, has been commercially offered in the United States since the 1950s. For the ensuing 60 years, the fundamental concept hasn’t really changed.
Thermal Improvement with Insulated Glass
The resulting assembly in its simplest form reduces heat loss by about one half over single glass. For you R-value fanatics, by insulating the glass, we improve the R1 of single glass and to a whopping R2 for insulated glass. When we add a Low-E coating, we can get about R3. If we then add argon gas in the airspace, about R4 is possible.
Metal spacers
These ubiquitous spacers can be made from stainless steel or aluminum. Most are a rectangular tube in cross section, and the dessicant is inside the tube. Dessicant consists of tiny beads. Perforations in the airspace side of the tube allow moisture in the airspace to eventually migrate to the dessicant. Corners of these spacers are either bent or fitted into “corner keys”.
glass spacer 2Hybrid spacers, Intercept
This PPG invention reduces the flow of heat through the spacer by changing it from a tube to a channel. Dessicant is exposed to view in the airspace, and is a plastic.
insulating glass spacer3Thermal break spacers
This new family of spacers uses a polyurethane thermal break, just like aluminum window frames. Two separate tubes carry the dessicant beads. This is one variation of “warm edge” technology, which means that on cold days, the interior temperature at the edge of the glass will be similar to the best temperature, considered to be at the center of the glass. I have not yet seen wide adoption of this design here so far. One manufacturer is Azon. They are a force in the thermal break market and naturally evolved their product to work inside the glass as well as in the frame.
insulating glass 04Thermoplastic spacers, TPS
These spacers are a solid rectangular cross section of a plastic material that has dessicant entrained within it (Edgetech). Sometimes these spacers also contain a thin corrugated metal fin that assists in maintaining the dimension between the two lites (Tremco Swiggle). Sometimes these spacers are literally extruded right onto the glass edge in a semi-plastic state (Bystronic). Once the thermoplastic spacers are applied to one lite, the second lite is then placed, and the entire assembly goes through pinch rollers into an oven for fusing and curing. Thermoplastic spacers are considered to utilize “warm-edge technology”.
From the Chicago Window Expert, Mark Meshulam
Condensation Investigation & Testing for Windows and Buildings.
Condensation at windows and in buildings requires a multi-disciplinary approach because condensation may result from unusually cold objects (such as windows) or excessively moist air or both. Often, more than one aspect of the building is out of balance, bringing about difficult-to-fix window condensation.
Please read the many articles on the subject by the expert, Mark Meshulam.
I promise, he will not bully and teach you the correct way to assess window moisture.
How many people am I allowed in my ignore list? He must be a hermaphrodite. Keeps reproducing on his own!
The term derives from the Latin: hermaphroditus, from Ancient Greek: ἑρμαφρόδιτος hermaphroditos,[7]](Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia) which derives from Hermaphroditus ( Ἑρμαϕρόδιτος), the son of Hermes and Aphrodite in Greek mythology. According to Ovid, he fused with the nymph Salmacis resulting in one individual possessing physical traits of male and female sexes;[8]](Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia) according to the earlier Diodorus Siculus, he was born with a physical body combining male and female sexes.[9]](Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia) The word hermaphrodite entered the English lexicon as early as the late fourteenth century.[10]](Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia) Alexander ab Alexandro stated, using the term hermaphrodite, that the people who bore the sexes of both man and woman were regarded by the Athenians and the Romans as monsters, and thrown into the sea at Athens and into the Tiber at Rome.[11]](Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia)
More info at:
Len, I asked you to remove the images. I am sensitive to them.
If you do not I will go public.
What a crock!!!